Chapter 758

Jun Jiuxin has been strong and healthy since he was born, and he has hardly ever been sick, and he has never taken any medicine, but this record will soon be broken.

Just because of an unbearable toothache.

Yi Mouth's teeth are hurting all the time, he hasn't slept well for two nights in a row, and the cyan under his eyes is comparable to that of a panda.

in the pharmacy.

Jun Jiuxin lay reclined on the bed, covering his mouth, watching the man with golden curly hair hurrying back and forth.

"Shi Zi, show me quickly, I'm about to die of pain." Jun Jiuxin's face was a little pale at the moment, and he was lying on the soft bed miserable, looking a little weak.

This weakness is not a serious illness, it is entirely due to the severe toothache, two days without food, and dare not even drink water.

It hurts so much whether he opens his mouth or drinks water now.

Not drinking water or eating makes people weak and dry-mouthed.

After barely uttering these words, Jun Jiuxin covered his mouth again, lay on his side on the soft bed, and cried out.

When Shi Zi saw his appearance, he couldn't help laughing: "Haha, leader, what did you eat? How did you become like this? Even if ordinary people get angry, there are a few that are not very good. Your teeth hurt, but you are fine, your teeth hurt all over your mouth, but it’s not because of getting angry.”

Jun Jiuxin glared at him sadly, unwilling to speak any more.

He is also miserable.

Who knew that woman would be so cruel.

Really poisoned him.

When his teeth are healed, let's see how he cleans her up.

Jun Jiuxin was still yelling, but Jing Ge went to his residence and wasted no time.

After asking the guard, I found out that he had gone to the pharmacy.

Jun Jiuxin's residence is some distance away from the pharmacy, the two of them walked there, and met Lu Dan'er, one of the twins, on the way.

This guy looked anxious, and ran somewhere in a hurry, he didn't even see Jing Ge walking towards him.

Jing Ge turned her head, looked at Lu Dan'er's hurried back in doubt, and did not stop.

Several people quickly came outside the pharmacy.

Knocked on the door.

It was Shi Zi who opened the door, with curly golden hair and a tall figure, almost filling most of the doorway.

He still remembered Jing Ge, when he saw that it was her who knocked on the door, he grinned happily and said, "It's you, what do you want this time? I'll help you find it."

Shi Zi's attitude is very eager, no matter when he is looking at Lang Ming or Jing Ge.

"Who is this?" He saw Hao Xingyue standing beside him.

"Hi, my name is Hao Xingyue."

As soon as the sound fell, there was a bang sound from inside, which seemed to be the sound of a human body falling to the ground.

Shi Zi turned his head to look back, and saw that Jun Jiuxin fell off the recliner for some reason, landed on his buttocks, and was struggling to get up from the ground while touching his buttocks.

After Shi Zi turned his body sideways, the angle he gave was just enough for Jing Ge and Hao Xingyue to see what was going on inside.

Jun Jiuxin climbed halfway, raised his head, and met Hao Xingyue's gaze.

Hao Xingyue: "..." Rogue!
She rushed over almost subconsciously, and kicked Jun Jiuxin's handsome face, which was half-sitting on the ground, leaving a deep shoe print.

Jing Ge: "..." This...

Shi Zi: "..." What just happened?
Just when they thought Jun Jiuxin would be furious and stood up to curse, a shocking scene happened.

(End of this chapter)

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