First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 759 There is a skin kiss

Chapter 759 There is a skin kiss
Jun Jiuxin actually ignored the shoe prints on his face, and hugged Hao Xingyue's foot that was about to retract: "Xiao Yueyue, I know I was wrong, please give me the antidote, my toothache is killing me."

After finishing speaking, she took a pitiful look at Xingyue.

"You two... when did you know each other?" Jing Ge walked in and licked his lips.

As soon as she finished speaking, Lang Ming, who was holding her finger, suddenly let go of her hand, rushed over with an angry face, and punched Jun Jiuxin hard with his fist several times.

"Bastard, let go, let go of Yueyue." Langming hit him a few times, but seeing that it didn't work, he opened his mouth and bit Jun Jiuxin's wrist.

Xiaojiahu's wolf teeth are strong and sharp, and when he bites down, he sees blood directly.

"Fuck." Jun Jiuxin was obviously bitten.

He stood up.

Trying hard to shake off Lang Ming, Lang Ming clings tightly, his body is shaken in the air a few times, but he still refuses to let go.

Hao Xingyue was afraid that he would throw Langming, so she rushed over and snatched Langming back.

When she realized that Langming was a little dizzy from being dumped, she raised her head and glared at Jun Jiuxin furiously.

Jun Jiuxin glanced at the wrist that was bleeding from the bite, and said innocently and aggrieved: "Obviously this brat bit me first."

Hao Xingyue: "Don't you think it's embarrassing for you to say such a thing? He's just a half-grown child."

Jun Jiuxin: "..." There is no way to refute.

Lang Ming bared his teeth fiercely at Jun Jiuxin, as if he had forgotten the promise he made with Jing Ge not long ago.

Jing Ge stood at the back, pinching the space between her brows with a headache.

Lang Ming really doesn't hate Jun Jiuxin in general... How big is this hatred, that he wants to bite someone only when they meet?
Probably similar to each other.

That's why Langming felt so hostile towards Jun Jiuxin?
After all, wolves have a strong sense of territory and have a strong sense of protection for their own things.

Thinking of this, Jing Ge reluctantly explained Lang Ming's abnormal behavior.

Jun Jiuxin's actions just now should have made Lang Ming mistakenly think that he was going to hurt Xingyue, so Lang Ming suddenly broke out and rushed to bite someone.

"Xingyue, when did you meet the leader?" Jing Ge walked over, gently pinched Lang Ming's ears through the hat, and under her comfort, the little guy withdrew his ferocious expression and howled He threw himself into her arms, and rubbed his face against her shoulders aggrievedly.

This... the front side is fierce, but the back side is like a docile little milk dog. How can such a personality be so similar to Jun Jiuxin?Or is it true for all wolves?
"He's the leader?" Hao Xingyue exclaimed.

"That's right, Xingyue, don't you know? I am the leader of this beastman kingdom, how about it? It's amazing, do you want to consider marrying me...ah!"

Hao Xingyue didn't answer, and directly punched him in the other eye socket.

As a result, Jun Jiuxin's eyes had an extra pair of dark circles, one big and one small.

Jing Ge raised her eyebrows, and stood beside her with folded arms: "Who will give me an explanation?"

"Between me and her..." There is already a skin-to-skin relationship.

"A few days ago, I went to the river to take a bath. When I was taking off my clothes, I found this bastard hiding in the grass and peeping..."

Hao Xingyue didn't want Jing Ge to know what happened that night, so when Jun Jiuxin was about to say something, she quickly interrupted him and fabricated a lie.

She did go to the river to bathe from time to time during this time, so Jing Ge had no doubts about her words.

(End of this chapter)

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