Chapter 761 Anger

Langming's gesture made both Jun Jiuxin and Shi Zi look angry.

They all know what it means for a little half-orc at this age to show a half-beast posture in advance.

Orcs are their race, and they have a stronger sense of race than humans.

Just seeing Lang Ming's current state, they could imagine what kind of miserable abuse this young little half-orc had experienced.

Jing Ge also felt their anger, pinched Lang Ming's furry ears lightly, and said softly: "I've dealt with those who bullied him, but it's not safe for him to walk around in the human world like this, so I thought Ask if you have a way to restore the child to a human form."

"The blood of the father can restore the child. Where is the father of the child?" Jun Jiuxin's first solution was also mentioned by Lin Lansheng.

"When I found this child, he lived with a pack of three-eyed wolves. He couldn't speak, had no cooked food, and even completely regarded himself as a wolf, just like a little savage."

This is the first time that Jing Ge tells about Lang Ming's origin, and it is also the first time that Hao Xingyue knows about Lang Ming's life experience.


Tears fell down.

She thought of her poor child whom she had never masked.

He hated Lang Ming's parents.

How could there be such cruel parents in the world who would abandon their children.

If she had had a choice back then, she would have protected the child first even if she died... Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in the world, she can't go back to the past, and she can't save her child.

Even if the child does not come to her in the state she expected;
She also loved the child dearly.

Anyway, half of her flesh and blood flowed from the child.


But she had never even seen that poor child being given to by that wolf-hearted family in the Prime Minister's Mansion...

Thinking of these things, Hao Xingyue burst into tears.

Jun Jiu said that when he looked at Lang Ming again, there was something else in his eyes.

However, there was a little more helplessness in his tone: "This is the only way I know."

Lang Ming couldn't understand what they were talking about, but saw that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit dignified, and he obediently didn't continue to make trouble, but his little paws tightly grabbed Jing Ge's skirt.

"I see." Knowing that there was no other way, Jing Ge did not stay any longer, she hugged Lang Ming, before turning around, said: "Tomorrow I will go down the mountain with Gu Shijue, looking for tigers and leopards, as for the murderer, I think no matter if you do it yourself or Gu Shijue does it yourself, the result will be the same."

After she finished speaking, she walked out with Lang Ming in her arms.

Hao Xingyue also left behind.

After the two left, Shi Zi followed their backs until they were no longer visible, then came back to his senses and said, "Jiuxin, don't you think that child looks a bit like you when you were young?"

"So what? I don't even have a wife. How could such a big son appear out of nowhere?" Jun Jiuxin endured the toothache and cursed angrily, "Hey, hurry up and get me some painkillers."

Shi Zi touched his nose, and under Jun Jiuxin's ferocious stare, he started dispensing the medicine.

At night, Lang Ming chose to sleep with Hao Xingyue.

Hao Xingyue took Lang Ming to wash for nothing, and after eating, he started to coax Lang Ming to sleep.

Lang Ming looked a little depressed and listless, like a flower about to wither.

(End of this chapter)

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