Chapter 762

Hao Xingyue patted his chest lightly, touched his forehead, it felt a little hot, and put a wet towel on it, "Xiao Mingming, do you feel uncomfortable there?"

The air Lang Ming exhaled was hot, and it was a bit difficult to breathe with humming humming.

"Yueyue, uncomfortable."

Hao Xingyue took away the wet towel and found that his body temperature was getting hotter and hotter, so she hurriedly carried Lang Ming to the next room.

"Knock knock knock."

When the door rang, Jing Ge was sitting on the bed practicing. Halfway through a cycle, he heard a faint knock on the door.

It must be Xingyue who came to look for her at this time, could something have happened?
Jing Ge forcibly interrupted her cultivation.

When I opened my eyes, my head was covered with sweat.

She stood up, her footsteps faltered, and she almost fell.

Holding on to the things next to him, he stood up and walked quickly to the door.

When he opened the door, he saw Hao Xingyue standing outside, hugging Lang Ming anxiously, and Lang Ming, who usually saw her in high spirits, was also leaning listlessly on Xingyue's shoulder at this time.

"What's wrong?" Jing Ge asked worriedly.

"I don't know. I suddenly had a fever. My body was very hot, and the breath I breathed out was also scalding hot. I used cold water to apply it, but it didn't help. Show him quickly." Hao Xingyue came in anxiously holding Langming, Carefully put the baby on the bed.

"Did you eat anything last night?" Jing Ge went back to the bed and touched Lang Ming's chubby hand, where his fingers rested on his pulse.

"Eating is the same as usual. By the way, when he had dinner, his appetite was worse than usual. He said he was full without eating much. It must have been because he felt uncomfortable at that time. It was all my fault and I didn't notice it in advance. Here." Hao Xingyue fell into self-blame.

"No, it has nothing to do with you. It's not because of eating something wrong. The blood in his body is very hot, and the aura in his dantian is circulating crazily." Jing Ge frowned, and his expression became serious: "In this case, I also First time encounter."

"Then what should we do?" Hao Xingyue glanced at the little pity on the bed anxiously.

"Wait a minute." Jing Ge called out.

"Woooo, it hurts, Ge'er, Yueyue, I hurt... woooo..." Lang Ming started to cry, and Dou Da's tears fell down, crying sadly and wronged.

After a while, Lang Ming's body suddenly changed.

His ears on the ground slowly became human ears, and the tail on his butt disappeared.

It was just an instant change, and the half-orc symbol on Lang Ming disappeared.

"Why suddenly?" Jing Ge and Hao Xingyue looked at each other in surprise.

During the day they were still worrying about what to do, but now suddenly Lang Ming changed back to human form.

"Ge'er, I'm in pain." Lang Ming got up, crawled up to Jing Ge with aggrievedness, lay on Jing Ge's lap and cried while wiping his tears with his chubby little hands, touching his ears that had shrunk for a while, Will touch the buttocks: "Ge'er, my ears have become smaller, and the tail is gone. Where did the tail go?"

Jing Ge touched his little cheek and kissed him: "The tail is gone, Ge'er doesn't have a tail, Yueyue doesn't have a tail either, Langming has become like us."

Langming looked at himself for a while, and at her and Xingyue for a while.

Suddenly, he grinned.

"It's the same, it's the same as Ge'er." He stood up, hugged Jing Ge's neck, and rubbed it happily.

After putting Lang Ming to sleep, Jing Ge and Hao Xingyue went to the next room.

(End of this chapter)

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