Chapter 764

Jun Jiuxin scolded a few words, stretched out his hand and pinched Langming's ear, saw that the white ear was pinched pink, said: "I didn't expect it to change, how did it change? "

"I don't know. If we knew, we wouldn't have come to ask you." Hao Xingyue snatched Lang Ming from him, and gave him a hard look: "Don't bully the child."

"Hey, okay, you don't bully if you say you don't bully." When Jun Jiuxin met Hao Xingyue, he began to smile again, and said, "Are you really not thinking about it? If you are willing to marry me, I will go down the mountain with you, and I want you to be a woman in this life, who will pamper and love you and protect you, and will not let anyone bully you."

The corner of Hao Xingyue's mouth twitched, and she said, "Get out of here, rascal!"

Langming followed suit: "Go away, Gadfly!"

At this time, out of the corner of Jing Ge's eyes, he suddenly saw the wound on Lang Ming's wrist. It was a deep tooth mark, and there was blood in it. Although it was not bleeding now, it hadn't scabbed yet.

She remembered.

This wound was bitten by Lang Ming yesterday.

"Your hand was bitten by Lang Ming yesterday? Did he drink your blood?" Jing Ge said excitedly.

She seems to be close to the truth!

Jun Jiuxin picked up his wrist, took a look at himself, and said: "It seems to be true, the skin is bitten, and I should have drunk some."

"After Langming drank your blood yesterday, he returned to his human form at night. Could it be that you are..."

Before Jing Ge finished speaking, Jun Jiuxin quickly interrupted her with a pause gesture: "Wait, don't slander me, I haven't married a wife yet, how could I have such a big child."

After he finished speaking, he gave Hao Xingyue a guilty look, turned to Hao Xingyue, and hurriedly explained: "Xingyue, he is not my son, don't get me wrong."

Hao Xingyue rolled his eyes at him: "Just dream, Langming is so cute, how could he be your son, a person like you would definitely not be able to give birth to such a cute son."

Jun Jiuxin: "..." Shouldn't it be better for him to pretend to recognize this cheap son?

But he really didn't marry a wife, nor... He didn't even have anyone he liked, so how could he suddenly have a son?

This is impossible!

Absolutely impossible.

"But he did change after drinking your blood." Jing Ge said.

"Could it be because of my extraordinary talent? Because of my superior strength? Or because I'm so handsome?"

Hao Xingyue: "You are shameless."

Lang Ming also pointed at him and said, "Shameless!"

Jun Jiuxin threatened with a serious face: "Stinky boy, if you dare to say that I am shameless, I will smash my ass to pieces."

Langming turned around, pointed at Jun Jiuxin with his butt, and patted Jun Jiuxin provocatively: "Slightly slight..."

Jun Jiuxin: "..." I'm so angry, but Xingyue is here, so I can't hit casually!
"Five years ago, you really had no relationship with other women?" Jing Ge folded her arms and began to think about the possibility of everything happening.

At this time, the door was suddenly opened, and Shi Zi walked in from the outside.

Seeing so many people standing in the room, Shi Zi's face was full of doubts, he looked at Jing Ge and said, "Aren't you going to go down the mountain?"

"I'm getting ready to go down the mountain, but look." Jing Ge had a good impression of Shi Zi, so he put his hand on Lang Ming's shoulder and turned around so that Shi Zi could see clearly.

Shi Zi only glanced at it, and his eyes widened: "This... this child..."

(End of this chapter)

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