Chapter 765 Cheap Son
Before Shi Zi finished speaking, he turned his head to meet Shang Jun Jiuxin's gaze: "Jiuxin, this is your son, he looks too much like you when you were a child."

"What? How could I have such a big son, don't slander my innocence, Xingyue, listen to me, I am innocent, I have only..." You.

Jun Jiuxin's last word "you" was finished, but Hao Xingyue stared back at him coldly.

He curled his lips and said in his heart: It's so dangerous, I almost said the wrong thing.

"This is not my child. I really don't have children. I don't have a wife." Jun Jiuxin was afraid that Hao Xingyue would not believe him, so he repeatedly emphasized that he did not have a wife.

Jing Ge, who was silent for a while, suddenly said, "Just because you don't have a wife, doesn't mean you haven't had sex with other women."

Jun Jiuxin: "I..."

"Jiuxin, you are such an asshole, you don't even want your own child." Shi Zi added fuel to the scene.

Jing Ge looked at Jun Jiuxin, who was about to go crazy, and said, "Boss, I found Langming on Linyue Island in Xuanyue Kingdom. Have you ever been to that place five years ago?"

"Five years ago, in such a long time, how could I... Wait, let me think about it, Xuanyue country, have I been there? Xuanyue country... I haven't been, but Linyuan country."

Linyuan Country is Hao Xingyue's hometown.

Hearing that her hometown was mentioned, Hao Xingyue took a look at Jun Jiuxin.

Although she suffered too much pain in that family, she would not even hate her own country.

What is disgusting is only the family of the Prime Minister's Mansion, it has nothing to do with Linyuan Kingdom.

Besides, her best friend was buried in Linyuan Kingdom.

"But this kid really looks like you." Shi Zi said again, "Why don't we test it?"

As soon as Shi Zi's words came out, the eyes of several people in the room fell on Jun Jiuxin.

Jun Jiuxin covered his face with his hands, and yelled, "I'm really wronged, I don't have a wife, how could I have such a big child..."

After babbling for a while, he said, "Forget it, since you don't believe me, let's test it. If the result of the test is not right, you all have to apologize to me!"

Jing Ge: "Yes."

Seeing that the situation was similar, Shi Zi hurried out, got a bowl of clear water in himself, and poured in a special liquid medicine, which was specially used to test whether it was blood related.

Holding a silver needle in his hand, he went to Lang Ming's side first, instead of pricking Lang Ming's finger, he handed the silver needle to Jing Ge.

Jing Ge didn't take his silver needle, she took out her ice spirit silver needle, and asked Lang Ming to stretch out her hand, Lang Ming always listened to her words, and obediently stretched out her hand.

Jing Ge picked out a clean white finger, the needle tip pierced the fingertip, and a drop of blood fell into the bowl.

Then put Lang Ming's finger in his mouth and suck it gently.

until the bleeding stops.

Holding the bowl, Shi Zi walked up to Jun Jiuxin: "It's your turn."

Jun Jiuxin still felt innocent, and he glared at Shi Zi angrily: "Why don't you believe me? I really haven't been to Xuanyue Kingdom, and I haven't had any relationship with other women, so how could there be any Such a big child... Wait, what's going on here? Shi Zi, is there something wrong with your water?"

While talking, Jun Jiuxin took the silver needle, poked a hole on his index finger, and a drop of blood dripped into the bowl.

The two drops of blood chased for a while in the water, and finally merged into one.

Jun Jiuxin: "..." Fuck, a cheap son really came, right?

(End of this chapter)

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