Chapter 766
Jun Jiuxin grabbed the bowl in Shi Zi's hand, his eyes almost popped out, he took Shi Zi's hand, and wailed, "Shi Zi, there is something wrong with your water, how could I..."

He didn't finish the rest of the sentence, because even he himself felt that such an explanation was too weak.

Water is no problem.

The kid in front of him who wanted to bite him when he saw him was really his son.

However, he couldn't figure out why he suddenly had a son.

Firstly, he didn't marry a wife, and secondly, he never had close contact with other women. How could he have a son?

Shi Zi knew Jun Jiuxin well, it was impossible for him to have sex with women casually.

He is the king of beastmen, there are too many people coveting his blood, and more people want to use various means to conceive his children, so Jun Jiuxin never casually talk to women outside.

Jun Jiuxin saw the trust in himself from Shi Zi's eyes, and he felt better.

He really had no impression of the child's origin.

He has never been a sentimental person.

That night, he just wanted to see who the woman who was destined to be the Queen of Phoenix was. If Tianbaicao hadn't appeared, nothing would have happened...

However, the facts before him told him that this kid was really his cheap son.

"Boy, who is your mother?" Jun Jiuxin glanced at Hao Xingyue out of the corner of his eye when he was asking.

With an extra cheap son, I don't know if Yueyue will despise him even more.

"Gadfly! Get out!" Langming pointed at Jun Jiuxin and cursed.

Jun Jiuxin: "... brat, I am your old man!"

Langming: "Hmph! No, I don't want a Gadfly to be my father!"

Jun Jiuxin's teeth itch from Langming's anger.

Jing Ge squinted at Jun Jiuxin with the eyes of a scumbag, and said, "You don't know who Lang Ming's mother is? How many women have you been with?" My mother doesn't even know who it is?

Jun Jiuxin glanced at Hao Xingyue nervously, and said, "I don't, I'm not, I really don't know who his mother is, and I haven't been with other women before." There is a woman in Xingyue.

But this matter can’t be said——

"Jiuxin, have you forgotten some memory?" Shi Zi looked at Jun Jiuxin, and it didn't look like he was lying.

"I don't know, I really don't know. If I knew I had a child, would I be irresponsible? Shi Zi, do you think I'm such a heartless person?" Jun Jiuxin said wanting to cry without tears .

What he is most afraid of now is that Hao Xingyue will stop talking to him because of this incident.

"You don't look like it, but you are now." Shi Zi said.

Jun Jiuxin: "..." Is this helping him or dragging him into trouble?

Jing Ge took a look at Xingyue who had been silent for a while, and her expression was not very good, thinking that she was complaining about Langming, so she didn't think much about it.

She walked up to Jun Jiuxin and asked, "You really can't remember?"

Jun Jiuxin raised his hand and swore, "I swear, if I lie, I will be struck by lightning."

"Boom boom boom."

Shi Zi: " seems to be raining."

Jun Jiuxin: "..." Wocao, is God going to kill him?
"Xingyue, believe me, what I say is true." Jun Jiuxin looked at Hao Xingyue aggrievedly, fearing that she would not believe him, and even ran over and hugged Hao Xingyue's arm.

Hao Xingyue shook off his hand forcefully.

(End of this chapter)

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