First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 768 The method of not being on the table

Chapter 768 The method of not being on the table

As soon as Jing Ge and the others returned to their residence, it started to rain heavily.

They didn't lock the door, and stood at the door for a while, looking at the orcs and half-orcs outside, and ran to find a place to hide from the rain.

A familiar figure rushed over.

It was Shangguan Yao, whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

"Ge'er, can I come into your house? My clothes are all wet. Get me some medicine. I don't want to catch a cold."

As soon as Shangguan Yao came in, her body was still wet, and she just stepped into Jing Ge's room, splashing water all over the floor.

Seeing this situation, Jing Ge frowned.

"Go back and change your clothes first, and I'll send you the medicine later."

"Oh, well, you can help me to boil some medicine later, I feel a little dizzy, I changed my clothes later, and want to take a hot bath."

Jing Ge glanced at the heavy rain outside.

With such a heavy rain, it is impossible for Shangguan Yao to go to the bathing place to take a hot bath, and it is impossible for someone to bring her hot water at this time.


That's it.

She really didn't want to talk to this woman much.

"Yes." Jing Ge endured the displeasure in his heart.

"I knew you were the best." Shangguan Yao said and wanted to come closer, grabbing Jing Ge's hand with her wet hand, but Jing Ge half turned to avoid it.

Ge'er said bluntly: "You're wet, don't stay here for too long. In this kind of weather, the floor of the room is not easy to dry. The humidity is heavy, which is not good for children."

Shangguan Yao's smile froze, and she said, "I didn't think about it. I'm sorry, I'll go back."

After Shangguan Yao left, Hao Xingyue glanced at the puddles on the ground, frowned in displeasure, and said, "This woman did it on purpose."

Jing Ge picked up Lang Ming, let him sit on the bed, lit a ball of fire in the palm of his hand, and threw it towards the puddle.

"Zizizizi." The phoenix fire instantly burned the puddles on the ground dry, and the dampness in the room disappeared without a trace.

"Small tricks that can't get on the table are not worth paying attention to." Jing Ge said.

It rained heavily for three days.

They were also blocked for three days.

When the weather finally cleared up and they were about to go down the mountain, another incident broke out on the mountain, which made them have to extend the time to go down the mountain again.

Something happened to Lu Dan'er among the twins.

When Jing Ge heard the news from the visitor, she immediately thought of the day when they met Lu Dan'er on the road when they were looking for Jun Jiuxin with Lang Ming.

He was in a hurry and didn't notice her walking towards him at all.

Thinking back now, Lu Dan'er's face at that time seemed not quite right.

At any rate, they met once before, and Qinglong hypnotized him. When Jing Ge heard that Lu Dan'er had an accident, he still chose to visit him.

Jing Ge didn't bring Lang Ming with her, she went by herself.

Follow the orcs to Lu Dan'er's residence.

Lu Shuang'er stood at the door with a worried face.

Jing Ge still remembers that Lu Dan'er is Lu Shuang'er's twin brother.

The names of the two are very simple and easy to remember, they just happen to be single or double.

Either the parents of the two were uneducated and chose their names casually, or they named them so casually.

Jing Ge felt that it would be the latter.

After she entered the room, she saw Jun Jiuxin and Shi Zi.

Shi Zi stood beside him helplessly, while Jun Jiuxin stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Lu Dan'er lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

Hearing Jing Ge's footsteps walking in, the two turned their heads at the same time and glanced at her.

Because of what happened three days ago, Jun Jiuxin was embarrassed when he saw her.

And Shi Zi eagerly walked over.

(End of this chapter)

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