Chapter 769 A Letter
"Thank you for coming."

Shi Zi knew that this matter cannot be forced on the other party, after all, there is no friendship between Lu Dan'er and Jing Ge.

Jing Ge's willingness to come over was to save face for them, and it was reasonable to be unwilling to come over.

"What exactly happened, you guys tell me first." Jing Ge said.

As she walked towards the bed, she waited for Shi Zi to tell her the whole story.

"We don't know the details. It was Shuang'er who first discovered that Shan'er was missing. When he found it, he was already passed out. I checked Shan'er's body and found nothing wrong, but he just couldn't wake up." Shi Zi glanced uneasily at Lu Dan'er who was lying quietly on the bed, as if she was asleep, and continued: "It was fine a few days ago, I don't know why it just happened like this."

Jing Ge walked to the bed and touched Lu Dan'er's hand.

After a while.

She stood up.

He opened Lu Dan'er's eyelids with his fingers and looked at the condition of his eyeballs.

"Did anything unusual happen before he disappeared?" Jing Ge asked.

"No, I bickered with him a few days ago. Later, I went to work for a few days, and when I came back, I found that he was gone. When I found it, it became like this." Lu Shuang'er walked in from the outside and answered directly. Jing Ge's question.

"So you don't know what happened?"

"I don't know." Lu Shuang'er said.

"Can you take me there? Where did you find him?" Jing Ge didn't explain the reason.

Lu Shuang'er looked at her suspiciously for a while, but didn't say anything, and walked ahead to lead the way: "Come with me."

Jing Ge followed Lu Shuang'er, together with Jun Jiuxin and Shi Zi, to the place where Lu Dan'er fainted.

"This is the place. When I found him, he was lying here." Lu Shuang'er seemed to recall that scene, and when she spoke, her voice trembled with fear.

After she brought Lu Dan'er back, Shi Zi immediately checked and took first aid measures for Lu Dan'er. Shi Zi said that if it was later, probably only Lu Dan'er's body would be seen.

"This is your territory, did he have any problems with other people?" Jing Ge knelt down and touched the flattened grass on the ground.

After a heavy rain, the grass here is still wet.

Jing Ge touched it and came across a handful of water.

Seeing this, Shi Zi handed over a clean handkerchief.

Jing Ge glanced at it, didn't take it, but waved his hand, "No, thank you."

Then the fists tightened, and the palms became slightly hot, taking away the moisture in the palms.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Shi Zi suppressed the look of loneliness in his eyes, and casually tucked the handkerchief back into his belt.

"Did he meet anyone a while ago?" Jing Ge looked at Lu Shuang'er and asked.

"Some time ago...he seemed to tell me that someone gave him a letter and asked him to go to a place. I was about to go out at that time, and he even told me that someone wanted to confess to him, but he didn't Imagine how it would turn out.”

"Can the letter still be found?"

Hearing this, Lu Shuang'er took out a thin letter paper from her bosom and handed it to Jing Ge.

Jing Ge took it over and sniffed the breath above.

It's vaguely familiar, but I can't remember whose smell it is.

"Go back, I know what to do." After Jing Ge finished speaking, he walked back first.

Lu Shuang'er and the others all followed behind with doubts on their faces, and walked back together.

(End of this chapter)

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