Chapter 771 Lost
Lang Ming wept: "Ge'er, don't leave me behind, I want to follow Ge'er."

Jing Ge touched the back of Lang Ming's head, lightly stroking it again and again: "Okay, I will take you down the mountain."

Hearing this, Langming burst into laughter.

Several people waited at the gate of the city for a while, and two people arrived.

One is the strength they met.

Huggy and strong, their arm muscles are thicker than their calves.

Dali was followed by a tall man, but he was wearing a mask... not someone they had seen before.

"Is everything ready? Go down the mountain when you're ready." It was Dali who spoke.

The masked man behind him didn't say a word the whole time.

Six adults and one child set foot on the way down the mountain.

"Boss, are we lost? Why haven't we gone out after walking for so long?" Li Chen was shivering from the cold, trotted behind Lin Lansheng with a red nose and asked.

Although the heavy snow only fell for one night, the weather after the snow was very cold, and one-third of the people were caught cold.

The group of cold and cold people, not only did not receive care, but was also severely reprimanded by Lin Lansheng, "A group of weak chickens, how did I train you back then? The resistance is so poor, I will give me more time to train when I go back."

The people who caught a cold huddled together in grievance, not daring to breathe.

Among those who caught a cold, Xuanyuanche was also included.

When Xuanyuanche heard Li Lansheng swearing, he subconsciously stepped back into the crowd and sniffed.

But in the end Lin Lansheng saw it.

Of course Lin Lansheng couldn't scold him face to face, and even made some hot water for Xuanyuan Che to drink.

The rest of the people who caught a cold could only watch enviously.

"Lost? How can I get lost? There must be an exit ahead. Hurry up." Lin Lansheng yelled.

Li Gui and Li Chen looked at each other, looked at the intersection in front of which they had walked more than twice, sighed softly, and followed.

After Lin Lansheng walked forward for a while, he finally realized something was wrong. He stopped and touched the footprints on the ground, "Strange, why are there footprints here? Could it be that someone has been here?"

Li Gui: Boss, that is the path you have traveled!

Li Chen: Cousin, hold back, don't say it out loud, you will be beaten if you hit the boss in the face.

Li Gui: I know, cousin, don't worry!
As Lin Lansheng said, he accidentally stepped into the footprints, which happened to fit——

"Fuck, it's the same size as my feet." Lin Lansheng turned his head, just in time to see Xuanyuanche standing next to him, and the footprints coincided with those of his feet.

Then turned to look at the person behind him.

Among a group of people, nine times out of ten they found matching footprints—so, these were not someone else's footprints, but the path they had traveled before.

Lin Lansheng: "..." I'm really lost, what should I do if I really don't want to admit it?
"Boss, are we lost?" Zhang Yue couldn't bear the cold anymore. He was worried that if he followed the boss around in circles, he might die here, so he summoned up his courage and asked.

Lin Lansheng gave Zhang Yue a hard look, and said in a rough voice, "If you didn't tell the mother earlier, I wasted all this time."

Li Chen, Li Gui: I said it, but if you don’t listen, err…

"Okay, what should we do now? Does any of you have a solution?" Lin Lansheng turned to everyone, asking for opinions.

Everyone: "..." I have opinions, but I dare not speak up.

In the end, Xuanyuan Che couldn't look down on him anymore, and took the initiative to take on the task of leading the way.

(End of this chapter)

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