Chapter 772

"Boss, you said it's been so long, could the young lady have come down from the mountain?" Zhang Yue couldn't help but ask as he walked beside Lin Lansheng.

They did walk on this snow-capped mountain for a long time, going back and forth several times.

It's been such a long time, maybe the little lady has gone down the mountain.

I don't know if I'm taking this road or not, and if I can meet them by then.

He really didn't dare to imagine that if he continued to follow the boss who would get lost, he could go down the mountain smoothly, and even go back to Fengyue country.

When Lin Lansheng heard this, he really wanted to smoke a cigarette sadly.

Of course, if he had a pipe handy.

There is no pipe, and the breath you exhale can deceive you into smoking.

"I hope." Lin Lansheng looked at the footprints on the winding road in front of him, and became worried: "Third Prince, can you find the way out?"

There is less and less food to be found in this place. They still have to feed such a large group of people. If they don't leave quickly, something will happen sooner or later.

"It seems that the way up the mountain can't be found. It seems that there is something wrong with the formation here, but I know where the way down the mountain is. Should we just go down the mountain and wait? Or continue wandering here? I don't think it is possible to go up the mountain. This year I am afraid It is impossible to go up the mountain, but it is still possible to go down the mountain, and it is also possible to wait at the bottom of the mountain."

Xuanyuanche originally thought that Lin Lansheng would ruthlessly reject his proposal, but he didn't expect that.

Lin Lansheng let out a faint breath, and said helplessly: "Okay, then we will go down the mountain and wait at the bottom of the mountain."

Jing Ge walked behind, and Dali and the masked man walked ahead.

The two are in tandem.

After walking for half a day, Jing Ge couldn't help asking, "Are my little uncles still on the mountain?"

She still remembered that their monitoring coverage of the black volcanic mountains was very wide, and they could know almost everything that happened on all the mountains. If the little uncle was still there, they should know about it too.

The two people walking in front did not answer her words in a hurry.

She saw the man in the mask make a gesture to Dali, then turned around vigorously, and replied to her: "It's still on the other side of the snow mountain, but they have already started to go down the mountain now, and they are expected to go down the mountain earlier than us. At that time, you can meet at the foot of the mountain."

Jing Ge had a panoramic view of their small movements, but she didn't say much.

Three days later, at the foot of the Black Volcano.

Jing Ge successfully reunited with his little uncle.

Lin Lansheng walked around her several times, and after confirming that she hadn't lost weight or lost arms or legs, she was completely relieved.

After delivering it in one breath, Shangguan Yao who was next to Jing Ge couldn't help but said, "Uncle Biao, and me, we are on the mountain this time, almost..."

"Shut up!" Before Shangguan Yao could finish speaking, Jing Ge directly blocked her mouth.

This person's mouth is too ugly, it's like eating hogwash overnight, and he can't say anything good.

Shangguan Yao didn't know if it was because she was afraid of Jing Ge at the beginning, but after being interrupted severely, she didn't dare to continue to struggle, but walked a little further in desperation.

It's just that no one noticed the vicious and strange look that Shangguan Yao showed Jing Ge after walking away.

"Little uncle, I'm really fine, I don't even lose a strand of hair, but this time I went up the mountain to gain a lot." She roughly told Lin Lansheng what happened on the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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