First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 804 Summoning the Demon Lord

Chapter 804 Summoning the Demon Lord
If it wasn't for Hubao's quick release of his hand, his hand might have been melted away.

" are the divine beast phoenix? This... how is this possible, how is it possible, she is only at the foundation establishment stage, why can she use the divine beast?" Tiger and Leopard fell to the ground in fear.

It's not something he can beat.

The beast Phoenix, killing him is as easy as killing an ant.

Before Yanhuang could make a move, she just threw a ball of Chizhen flames, which directly destroyed the fighting spirit of the tiger and leopard.

The Chizhen Flame can incinerate everything in the world, even iron can be melted into air in an instant, not to mention human flesh and blood.

"Don't...don't kill me." The tiger and leopard kept retreating, their arrogance long gone.

Yanhuang gave him a cold look, and said: "Trash." Then he switched to the Phoenix Fire and threw it on the tiger and leopard.

"Ahh..." The tiger and leopard were burned by the Phoenix fire, and they kept rolling and howling on the ground.

The Phoenix Fire is not as overbearing as the Chizhen Flame, but it burns more powerfully than ordinary flames.

Burning on the body is even more painful like thousands of ants gnawing at the heart.

Yanhuang looked at the tiger and leopard that had been burned into a pig's head and recovered its human form, curled its lips and said: "It's really hot, I haven't taken it seriously yet, it's boring."

Jing Ge glanced into the room, "Did you kill him?"

"No, I still have a breath."

"That's all right, let's go, let's get out of here before we are discovered."

Jing Ge hugged her younger brother, and together with Yanhuang, rushed to the place where Lin Lansheng fought.

She had just arrived, and the Prince's Mansion was immediately surrounded by heavy troops.

Xuanyuan Mu called out all the [-] troops he raised in Luoyue City at once.

It almost surrounded the prince's mansion so tightly that not even a fly could fly out.

With the strength, Xuanyuan Mu, who was afraid of death, came out of the house, and said confidently: "You are dead, I have [-] troops guarding outside, and you will not escape even if you have wings."

When Lin Lansheng heard this, he gave him a hard look.

Xuanyuan Mu had seen how powerful Lin Lansheng was just now, and there were still defeated monks lying around Lin Lansheng at this moment.

Therefore, when Lin Lansheng glared at him, Xuanyuan Mu took two steps back in fear.

Cowardly to the bone.

Lin Lansheng disliked people who were greedy for life and afraid of death, so he gave Xuanyuan Mu a disdainful look.

"Little uncle." Jing Ge ran over and called Lin Lansheng.

Lin Lansheng turned around and saw the child in her arms, who had been serious all night, finally smiled.

Smiling and laughing, the corners of his eyes turned red.

When Jing Ge approached, he raised his hand, touched the child's thin face, and said distressedly: "It's really like my sister when I was young."

The child felt someone poking him, rolled his eyes to look over, and when he saw Lin Lansheng, he suddenly grinned.

Lin Lansheng felt that the softest part of his heart was touched.

"What happened to your arm?" Lin Lansheng saw the scratches on Geer's arm, held her hand distressedly, and asked.

"It's okay, it's just a small injury, it's nothing serious." After she finished speaking, she shook her arm as if she was afraid that Lin Lansheng wouldn't believe it.

"Go back and my little uncle will apply the medicine."

"En." Jing Ge said.

"Brothers, kill me and escort the young miss and the young master out of the city safely!" Lin Lansheng shouted emotionally.

Jing Ge saw that the timing was about the same.

Using the secret code agreed with the demon king, he began to summon the latter to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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