First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 805 You Have Me Is Enough

Chapter 805 You Have Me Is Enough
After a while.

Mozun stood up.

The man who appeared out of nowhere was dressed in a swaying red dress, and the delicate mask on his face made him look full of mystery.

The man walked up to Jing Ge slowly.

She glanced at the child in her hand suspiciously.

"Whose child?"

"My younger brother." Jing Ge returned. She glanced behind the Demon Lord, but she didn't see the Demon Lord. She said anxiously, "Where are the ten thousand Demon Men you promised me? Don't say nothing, I can't help it." Killed you."

The Mozun raised her pointed chin, looked down into her eyes with deep eyes, and said word by word: "You have this deity, and you don't need a demon."

Jing Ge: "...Do you want to do it yourself?" If this man did it himself, she believed that he could definitely kill the [-] soldiers outside in an instant.

However, she never thought that the man in front of her would actually be willing to kill for her.

"You don't trust me?" Mozun saw distrust in her eyes.


With the fingers pinching her chin, she added a little strength: "Forget it, you follow the deity, and the deity will protect you out of the city."

After he finished speaking, he touched Jing Ge's shoulder with one hand.

Jing Ge: "..." Does this really require her to follow?
The Mozun seemed to see her thoughts, and let out a deep and sexy laugh: "You promised me the three months, don't forget it."

Mozun hugged Jing Ge and walked out easily.

Xuanyuan Mu also saw the origin of the Demon Lord.

His eyes widened in horror: "This... this person, why is he with the Demon Lord?" He actually offended the Demon Lord's people.

It's over.

Xuanyuan Mu trembled with fear.

Mozun walked towards the door, and the strong air pressure on his body was released, and no one around him dared to approach.

These people surrounded them anxiously, ready to move, but they didn't dare to move.

Xuanyuan Mu suddenly thought of something, and yelled, "Get out of the way, get out of the way, let them go!"

He is full of thoughts now, and he must not fight the Demon Lord.

Otherwise, everything he has worked so hard to build will be completely destroyed.

Xuanyuan Mu's roar made this group of people who were already afraid of the demon king even more afraid to act rashly.

When he got to the middle of the crowd, the Mozun stopped suddenly, but he didn't let go of Jing Ge's arm from the beginning to the end: "Baby, do you want me to kill him for you?" They stayed on Xuanyuan Mu's body.

Under his gaze, Xuanyuan Mu fell to his knees in fright.

The position of the crotch soon became wet.

A smell of urine came out.

The members of the Guisha Corps, smelling the smell of urine, let out a burst of laughter.

"Don't...don't kill me, please, don't kill me, I don't know anything, I didn't capture that child, it was a tiger and leopard, and the tiger and leopard brought it into the mansion without permission. Don't kill me without knowing it."

"Dong dong dong."

Xuanyuan Mu kowtowed continuously, his forehead hit the wooden floor, red, swollen, and bleeding.

But he still didn't dare to stop.

I'm afraid that if I stop, my life will be lost.

Jing Ge raised an eyebrow.

She was a little obsessed with this feeling.

The feeling of being subjugated by the weak.

The man beside him is really strong, so powerful that it makes people frightened.

Once, she also had such an experience.

The weak, surrender to her unconditionally——

Jing Ge seemed to have regained the feeling of her previous life, her heart was beating wildly because of the excitement.

Starlight flashed in his eyes.

When Mozun lowered his head, he saw the stars in her eyes, beautiful, dazzling and charming...

(End of this chapter)

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