Chapter 813

"However, since you were discovered by me today, I won't make it easy for you. When the lord comes back, I will definitely tell him and let him drive you out. It is best to kill you as a bastard... ..."

Li Hanyan was still yelling and cursing, but she didn't know that she had already touched Jing Ge's back scale just now.

Some people's tolerance is not because of cowardice and timidity, but because they don't want to cause trouble.

For these people, once the reverse scale is touched, they will immediately erupt.

Jing Ge is obviously not an exception.

The figure moved quickly, approaching Li Hanyan with lightning speed, and slapped him.

Li Hanyan's face was distorted, and she still doesn't know what happened.

After a long time.

She covered her face and stared at Jing Ge with wide eyes in disbelief: "How dare you slap me in the face? Since I was a child, no one has ever dared to slap me in the face. You are the first one! I want to kill you!" about you!"

Li Hanyan went mad with anger, and rushed towards Jing Ge.

Jing Ge's conditioned reaction wanted to dodge, but the moment she moved her footsteps, she thought of her younger brother behind her.

Then he stabilized his footsteps, did not move, but raised his hand to receive Li Hanyan's attack.

She raised her hand and bumped Li Hanyan's arm, and knocked Li Hanyan back directly.

Li Hanyan staggered a few steps and almost fell backward into the pond. She looked at Jing Ge in shock, she couldn't believe that she was beaten back so easily.

She almost lost her voice: "What rank are you?"

Jing Ge said calmly: "The third level of the foundation building period." Recently, it has been promoted to the third level, from the second level to the third level.

This speed of progress is faster than 90.00% of people.

But Jing Ge still felt that it was too slow.

In a year, she repaired her dantian and began to resume her cultivation, practicing both spirit and martial arts. Up to now, her spiritual cultivation has only reached the third level of the foundation building stage.

For many people, the speed of upgrading is unimaginable, but for Jing Ge who has the memory and experience of the previous life, this speed is still too slow.

"You're lying, I've already reached the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, but you just took a slap with all my strength." Li Hanyan didn't believe Jing Ge's words.

Jing Ge sneered: "That's because you are too weak, and I don't need to lie to you, I can't hide my current cultivation, if you really don't believe it, you can also find someone who has reached the Golden Core Stage Take a look, see if I am the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage."

When you reach the golden core stage, you can see the cultivation level of people who are lower than you.

Li Hanyan gave Jing Ge a hard look, clenched her hands into fists, and attacked again.

Jing Ge glanced calmly, and when Li Hanyan's fist was about to hit her face, she turned her head to avoid the first punch.

Seeing this, Li Hanyan showed a triumphant smile, followed closely by her second punch and attacked.

Her first punch was a false move. Although she hit it, the force was very light. It was used to divert Jing Ge's attention. In fact, the heaviest punch was the latter one.

This punch, as long as it hits Jing Ge's body, it will definitely make her break more than three sternums.

Of course.

As soon as Li Hanyan finished laughing, she soon realized that her second punch was easily stopped by Jing Ge, and she used a very strange trick to fold her hand easily and bend it back——

"Crack." The sound of an arm being twisted off.


Li Hanyan let out a scream, and she soon realized that her arm had lost all strength and was hanging limply by her side.

(End of this chapter)

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