Chapter 814
The most frightening thing is that she couldn't see through the tricks of the woman in front of her at all. She didn't use much force, but she easily dissipated her power. , broke her hand.

"What trick did you use?" Li Hanyan's face was pale because of the pain in her hand.

"Tai Chi." Jing Ge said.

"What is Taijiquan? Why have I never heard of it?" Li Hanyan said for a while, glaring at Jing Ge angrily, "Are you lying to me?"

Jing Ge glanced at her speechlessly, and said, "What do you have that I can lie to? You don't believe that what I did was Tai Chi, so what kind of punch do you think I just did?"

Li Hanyan: "I don't know, what is Taijiquan? Your human moves?" Humans actually have such weird boxing techniques?How has she never heard of it?

"I don't like to explain things to idiots." Idiots will keep asking [-] whys, which is annoying.

"You, are you calling me stupid?"

"Hehe, it turns out that you still have a little IQ and can understand people's words."

"Presumptuous, who allows you to be powerless against me? Mere human beings are not qualified to teach me."

"You, looking for death." Li Hanyan raised her slap, intending to slap Jing Ge in the face, but Jing Ge turned her head to avoid it, and said coldly, "You don't want your hand either?"

Jing Ge's is actually very strong, Li Hanyan's broken hand was stinging constantly, making her stop her palm abruptly and shrink back.

After a while, she realized that she was about to shrink back because of the other party's threatening words, and she became even more furious.

He cursed loudly: "If you dare to touch me, my lord, neither my father nor I will let you go. You are sensible, hurry up...cough cough cough..." Li Hanyan couldn't say the rest.

Jing Ge grabbed her neck, contracted her fingers a little bit, Li Hanyan's face became congested and red, and she was completely speechless.

"One more word of nonsense, and there will be one more corpse in the Demon Palace today." Jing Ge threatened in a cold voice.

The aura on his body also became icy, with an overwhelming oppressive force.

She doesn't like this woman, she hates it from the bottom of her heart.

If it wasn't for not wanting to cause unnecessary trouble to the demon king, she would have solved this woman long ago.

Although Li Hanyan is at the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, which is higher than her, but Li Hanyan's basic skills are not solid, such a person, nine out of ten, broke through by relying on pills, and is not Jing Ge's opponent at all.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Li Hanyan's face was flushed with suffocation, she could only move one hand, and she desperately wanted to pick off Jing Ge's fingers.

Li Hanyan saw killing intent in Jing Ge's eyes.

True killing intent.

This man will really do what he says, and he will really kill her.

Li Hanyan started to get scared.

She didn't want to die.

Jing Ge looked at her and softened her attitude because of fear.

He let go, threw her to the ground, approached her, stepped on her foot, and said coldly: "My name is Jing Ge, if you don't accept it, you can continue to trouble me, but next time, I don't guarantee that you can walk away alive go out."

After Jing Ge finished speaking, she kicked Li Hanyan hard, saying: "No one can threaten the life of the person I value. If there is, I will take the other person's life first."

After she finished speaking, she retracted her feet, bent down to pick up her brother, and left here.

However, the moment she was about to bend down.

Li Hanyan who was behind her suddenly got into trouble.

With an extra dagger in his hand, he rushed directly towards Jing Ge's back——

(End of this chapter)

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