Chapter 820

Jing Ge eats crayfish very quickly, and is skilled at peeling the shrimp. The table is already covered with heads and tails of crayfish as high as a hill.

There is still a large pot of unfinished food in front of me.

The lobster, which was delicious, suddenly lost its flavor.

It tastes like chewing wax in your mouth.

The only thing that remains the same is Jing Di who is still silently drooling next to her, babbling at her sister, and begging her to give him some food too.

It's a pity that his elder sister was distracted and didn't notice Jing Di's saliva, which wet the front of her clothes.

The nanny came in, looked at her worriedly, then went to the side, picked up Jing Di, and it was time for Jing Di to drink milk.

The nanny stood still, looking hesitant to speak.

Jing Ge turned to look at the nanny, and said, "Is there something wrong?"

"Miss, are you alright?" The nanny's tone was filled with distress. The child's face turned pale, and he looked pitiful.

I don't know what's going on with the Lord, good people don't like it, and they want to bring them back, and bringing them back gives them hope, and then they turn around and want to marry other women.

In the eyes of the nanny, Jing Ge at this time is a poor woman who has lost her love.

The nanny loved Jing Ge, and when she saw her suffering, she felt distressed. Although she didn't dare to speak ill of the lord openly, she still couldn't help but say a few words in her heart.

"I'm fine." Jing Ge said.

"If you feel uncomfortable, just cry out, don't hold back, the nanny is someone who has been there, and the nanny understands, and there is no one now, so cry if you want to cry, ah, don't hold yourself back." The nanny thought to give Jing Ge left a private space to think about it and vent her emotions. After saying this, she hugged Jing Di and left the room.

After being told by the nanny, Jing Ge, who hadn't noticed the discomfort in his heart, put down the lobster that was peeled off in his hand.

All afternoon, Jing Ge didn't see Mozun.

I just heard the news of his return from the servants, and heard that he went shopping with the Yaozu princess again...

When hearing this news, the uncomfortable feeling in Jing Ge's heart became even stronger.

Sure enough, men are all playboys and big asses, and they keep saying that they like her, but how long has it been?When he turned around, he found another woman.

At night, Jing Ge sat on the bed.

Start to practice and absorb the aura of heaven and earth. The jade in this room not only has the function of regulating temperature, but also has the function of absorbing and filtering aura, so the aura in this room is particularly strong.

Jing Ge used these jade stones to practice every night, and her cultivation speed was twice as fast as she was in the human world.

In just over half a month, she was about to break through the fourth stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Jing Ge sat cross-legged on the bed, trying to practice as before, but couldn't find the feeling for a long time.

When you are restless and impatient, you can't even do the simplest thing like drawing qi into your body.

She closed her eyes and struggled for a long time, but gave up.

He opened his eyes and interrupted tonight's practice.

Lie down and get ready for sleep.

When I was in a daze, I smelled a familiar sandalwood fragrance, and the position beside the bed suddenly lowered.

She struggled to open her eyes and saw the person sitting by the bed. The surprise in her eyes flashed past, and her indifference instantly recovered: "Is there something wrong?"

"I can't come to you if I have nothing to do?" Mozun didn't notice the surprise flashing in her eyes, but was so angry at her indifferent words that he wanted to hit someone.

(End of this chapter)

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