Chapter 821
Get up in the morning.

The side of the bed was as empty as ever.

Looking at the empty bed, Jing Ge felt disappointed.

While adjusting her emotions, she put on her shoes and clothes, and by the time she went out, she had already returned to that cold and arrogant Jing Ge.

Jing Ge came to the next door and opened the door.

The nanny was away, and my brother was lying on the rocker, sleeping soundly.

Jing Ge took a look, seeing that his younger brother showed no signs of waking up, and quietly exited from the inside, ready to take a stroll in the nearby yard.

"This is my sister, hello." A woman who had never seen her before suddenly walked over the bridge and came straight to Jing Ge, accompanied by four servant girls.

The field looks pretty big.

However, Jing Ge has been in the Demon Palace for more than half a month, and has not seen the other party's face. It can be seen that this person is not from the Demon Palace, so it should be the princess of the rumored Yaozu.

"Why sister?" Jing Ge looked at the woman in front of her with some displeasure.

Even though she is older than her, she still has the nerve to call her older sister?
Ha ha.

This woman smiled harmlessly, even a little innocently. She had a seductive face, but deliberately pretended to be innocent. Under such a contrast, she gave people a charming and pitiful feeling.

"Hey, sister doesn't know? My father intends to match me with the lord, and my sister is the person next to the lord. When I come in, I will be sisters with my sister. My sister is the one who came in first. I am People who came later, of course, have to call you sister."

Jing Ge glanced at the other party speechlessly, and found that what she said was true.

Then why did Mozun say last night that she is not his fiancee?Who is telling the truth?
"How old are you?" Jing Ge asked.

The Yaozu princess covered her mouth and smiled, "I'm seventeen."

Jing Ge: "Oh, then you are older than me, and I am only fifteen."

Monster Race Princess: "..." Old?Does she look old?Gritting teeth.

Jing Ge dropped these words, turned and left the garden.

After she left, the Yaozu princess immediately tore off her disguise, jumped angrily, and slapped the maid behind her with her backhand, venting her anger on innocent people.

"This bitch, dare to say that this princess is old. This princess is only seventeen, only two years older than her, but she dares to say that I am old?" The monster princess, gnashing her teeth angrily, pinched her fingers and made a gesture. ring.

In fact, Jing Ge didn't go far, but a few trees blocked her figure. She has always been good at hearing, and she easily listened to the words of the monster princess who revealed her true nature.

Hmph, do you think my sister is so easy to call?

Jing Ge thought.

This matter quickly reached the ears of the demon king.

After listening to the report from the subordinates, Mozun suddenly curled the corners of his lips and smiled. The smile was charming and clear, exuding an evil spirit of evildoers.

The person who reported the news raised his head, just in time to see Mozun's smile, and trembled in fear.

Demon Lord actually laughed?

Is this the sun coming out in the west?

So uneasy.

Has he done anything wrong recently?This doesn't feel like a harbinger of good things.

After seeing Mozun laughing last time, those rebels were directly burned to death by Mozun, their souls were wiped out, and they didn't even have a chance to reincarnate.

This time, who will be unlucky?
"Go out, keep watching, and remember that your main purpose is to ensure her safety. No matter who attacks her, you must ensure her safety." Mozun said.

(End of this chapter)

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