First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 824 Hand over a knife

Chapter 824
"I am gaining weight because the lord likes fat women, so I have been eating a lot just to gain weight. If you don't believe me, invite me to have a meal tomorrow and see how much I can eat. You believe it." gone."

"Will you have dinner?" The Yaozu princess faintly felt that something was wrong there, but she couldn't think of a reason for it.

"Well, the roast duck in Fulai Inn is good, please invite me to eat there." The roast duck in Fulai Inn is really delicious. Jing Ge has been in love with Mozun since the last time he went out to eat once. .

Always wanted to find a chance to go out and have another meal.

I didn't expect the opportunity to come to my door so soon.

Thinking of this, Jing Ge felt that the woman in front of him suddenly seemed much more pleasing to the eye.

After all, this woman is going to treat her to a big meal soon.

"When do you want to eat?" Although the Yaozu princess felt that this matter was very strange, she was not short of money. It would be okay to treat Baba to a meal. By the way, let's see if it is true. If it is true, then she The next step is to gain weight.

The Yaozu princess squeezed her waist, and sighed in her heart, she finally lost weight to her current appearance, and now she is going to gain weight again...

However, if the Lord really likes fat women, she doesn't mind getting fat for the Lord.

"Today is not as good as hitting the sun, and hitting the sun is not as good as today. Just today, I won't come back for dinner, wait a minute, I will take care of the baby with the nanny, and we will meet at the door later." Jing Ge said, hugging Jing Dee, get out of here quickly.

The rest of the things, there will naturally be a maid to clean up, so she got up and left.

"Princess, what if there is a fraud in this matter? Would that woman really be so kind to tell us the lord's preferences?" said the maid behind the Yaozu princess.

"This princess is the most beloved princess of the monster clan. She is a mere human, how dare she deceive me? Besides, I just treat her to a meal, and I will go out later. Stuff the rest of the roast duck into her stomach, and let her taste the consequences of deceiving this princess."

After Jing Ge and the Yaozu princess left the Demon Palace, Mo Li returned to the Demon Lord's study and told the whole story from the beginning to the end.

He originally wanted to file a complaint by the way, saying that Jing Ge had abused the little master of the Demon Race, but thinking of the Lord's love for that person, he swallowed the words again.

After hearing what he said, Mozun tapped his finger on the table lightly, and said: "You mean Geer said that I like fat people? So the Yaozu princess invited her to Fulai Inn for dinner, in order to prove that she is really there. Eating hard to gain weight for the deity?"

Mo Li nodded, the lord's summary is in place.

"Haha." The Mozun suddenly laughed out of control, this is the first time Mo Li heard such a laugh after following the Mozun for so long, his eyes widened in horror, as if he predicted that tomorrow would be the end of the world .

"Continue to follow, report her whereabouts to this deity at any time, pay attention to her safety, as long as her personal safety is safe, do whatever she wants." Mozun said.

When he mentioned that person, his tone was so soft that it hurt the single dog.

Mo Li smacked his mouth, and said with difficulty: "It doesn't matter if she wants to attack the Yaozu princess?" That woman looks very difficult to provoke, if the Yaozu princess is not careful, she will really piss people off... ... What if the woman became murderous?
Do you want to watch her kill the Yaozu princess, or go up and pass a knife by the way?
(End of this chapter)

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