First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 825 You can marry a wife

Chapter 825 You can marry a wife
Mo Li didn't dare to ask the latter words.

I also felt a strong sense of unease, always feeling that the Lord is the one who would do such a thing.

Rushing to the crown as a confidant!

Well, the terrible ruler, for the sake of his beloved woman, became a tyrant and a faint king every minute.

Mo Li chased him out from the Demon Palace, arrived near the Fulai Inn, and caught a colleague who was a young brother.

He asked in a low voice, "How is it going inside now? Nothing major happened, right?"

The man said: "No, I'm happy to eat, look, this is the second roast duck."

"One roast duck weighs seven or eight catties, and you've eaten the second one so soon?" After Mo Li finished speaking, he glanced inside, just in time to see Jing Ge eating deliciously.

Seeing her eating satisfactorily, it actually made people's index fingers twitch.

The stomachs of Mo Li and his brother who were traveling together made rumbling sounds at the same time.

The two looked at each other in embarrassment, and the little brother said, "I didn't expect her to look so thin, but she was surprisingly good at eating."

Mo Li also smiled awkwardly, and said, "Is this a waste of food? If you eat so much, you won't grow breasts, buttocks, or flesh?"

The little brother grinned and said, "Does the Lord really like fat women? But there have been fat women who pursued the Lord before, right? I haven't seen the Lord take the initiative."

"You are really stupid to say you are stupid. It is obviously used to deceive the princess of the Yaozu. You see, the princess of the Yaozu will definitely gain twenty catties in the next three months." It may be more than that, if it is easy to gain weight , it is very likely that a big fat man will appear!

The little brother turned his head and went in, glanced at the Yaozu princess sitting opposite Jing Ge, "It's not good to be too fat, I like slender ones."

Mo Li knocked the little brother on the head, and gave him a stern look and said, "Come on, you little kid, you haven't even grown your hair yet, you just want a woman."

The little brother with red lips and white teeth touched the short tentacles on his forehead and sighed: "I will be an adult in two years, and I can marry a wife."

Mo Li: "You want to be beautiful, the Lord is 25 this year, and you haven't seen him marry a wife yet?"

Little brother: "..."

Little brother: "If you are heard by the Lord, you will be finished."

Mo Li raised his hand and pretended to threaten: "God knows this, you know me, and if a third person finds out, it must be you who leaked it, and then I will take your skin off."

The little brother shrank his shoulders aggrievedly: "I won't say it."

Mo Li didn't pay attention to him anymore, turned around, separated the distance between the two, and began to stare inside intently.

After half a sound.

Mo Li suddenly felt that this was really not something people did.

Watching others eat deliciously, but I am swallowing here.

Smell the fragrance of the building, but can't even chew the duck bones.

Mo Li felt that he could hear the sound of swallowing saliva, and the kid next to him was even more useless, and the sound of swallowing saliva came to him.

Mo Li glanced at the knife to the child, and said, "Okay, go buy something to eat, I'll watch over here, nothing will go wrong, you go and come back quickly."

The little brother has red lips and white teeth, and a pair of small canine teeth. When he smiles, he looks very good-looking.

He smiled and said to Mo Li: "Brother Mo Li, you are such a kind person, I love you to death."

"Fuck off, I'm not a broken sleeve, I'm a straight man of steel, I only love mature women with big breasts and upturned buttocks."

The little brother giggled, and really ran to buy food.

(End of this chapter)

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