Chapter 841 Coquetry
So when Bai Changle mentioned that her sister would be in danger, Modi's firm determination was shaken.

"Don't worry, I will protect myself. After we pass by, we will meet up with the eldest brother, and nothing will happen." Bai Changle patted the magic flute's shoulder sincerely.

next moment.

The magic flute stood up.

Summoned the Blackwing Serpent.

The two rode the black-winged snake and followed them.

Magic Forest.

The dense and pervasive magical forest, before landing, could hear the sound of the roaring beasts below.

"Jiulong, look for the location of that thing." Demon Venerable patted the wings of the Nine-Winged Demon Dragon and said.

Hearing the words, Jiulong roared at the dense fog below. The sound wave attacked, and the dense fog dispersed in circles, revealing the appearance of the magical forest.

The towering ancient trees towering into the sky, because of the lack of sunshine all year round, the whole forest has a dark and damp feeling.

Kowloon landed.

"The old man in front can't get in, there are restrictions, you can only walk there." Jiulong's figure is too big, curled up in the woods, looking a little aggrieved.

The Mozun stepped on the ground with Jing Ge in his arms. Jing Ge fell from his arms and stepped on the soft fallen leaves. In the humid environment, the fallen leaves rotted on the ground. Every step on it was like stepping on soft cotton. .

Jing Ge took a few steps, a few green grass brushed under her feet, and the water droplets on the grass blades wet the bottom of her trousers.

She squatted down, picked up the blade of grass, and sniffed it. It turned out to be a high-quality spiritual herb. She quickly picked it off and put it in the storage space.

She followed behind Mozun, and after walking for a while, Jing Ge discovered that this magical forest is really a treasure land. If it wasn't too dangerous here, I believe many alchemists would break into this place, looking for all kinds of spiritual treasures. medicine.

However, it is precisely because it is very dangerous, there are few people who come in, there is less damage, and the original ecology of nature is preserved in a large area, which makes the magic forest retain so many rare and exotic plants.

Mozun walked in front and looked back at her from time to time. If he saw her picking spiritual grass, he would stop and wait without saying a word or urging her. When she was done, he would straighten up and continue walking.

After walking like this for almost half an hour, the magic sound finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He stood up and said, "Master, it's a waste of time for us to go on like this. I'm afraid we won't be able to reach our destination when it gets dark. In this forest, the risk factor will increase tenfold when it gets dark. It's too dangerous."

All she said was accusing Jing Ge of picking herbs while walking and wasting their time.

Jing Ge naturally recognized it.

From the very beginning, this woman named Magic Sound didn't like her.

Although he didn't trip her up, his words were somewhat disrespectful.

After she finished speaking, Jing Ge saw a white umbrella ganoderma growing on an old tree. She planned to pick it herself, but after hearing what the magic voice said, she suddenly changed her mind——

"My lord, I want the white umbrella ganoderma on it, can you go and pick it off for me?" The tone was deliberately lowered, with a little coquettish tone, and Bai Yeling couldn't help but look at her more.

If it was something she wanted, even if it was a star in the sky, Bai Yeling would find a way to get it for her, let alone a ganoderma with a white umbrella on the tree.

Ge'er's acting like a baby made Bai Yeling feel happy, and said hello to Ge'er.

Just as he was about to fly up and pick off the white umbrella ganoderma, the magic voice standing behind suddenly yelled: "Wait a minute, there are poisonous snakes on the lord."

(End of this chapter)

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