First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 842 1 radish 1 pit

Chapter 842 One radish and one pit
As soon as the voice fell, a poisonous snake with the thickness of two fingers and a green body appeared near the white umbrella Ganoderma lucidum.

The poisonous snake wrapped its body around the white umbrella ganoderma, enclosing the ganoderma in its middle.

White Umbrella Ganoderma lucidum is one of the poisonous snake's favorite foods, and if you eat too much, it can give birth to wisdom.

Therefore, wherever there are white umbrella ganoderma, there will be poisonous snakes.

However, this kind of poisonous snake is only more poisonous, as long as you avoid it, there is no problem.

When Jing Ge saw the white umbrella ganoderma, he looked around the ganoderma, but he didn't see any trace of the poisonous snake, but unexpectedly hid it.

However, with the Demon Lord's strength, even if she didn't tell her in advance, he could still find out and get the white umbrella ganoderma from the poisonous snake.

"My lord, let me pick off the ganoderma." Mo Yin came over and gave Jing Ge a hard look, but said to Mo Zun: "My lord, it's too dangerous to collect herbs under the mouth of a poisonous snake. The subordinates cannot let the Lord take such a risk."

"No need." Mozun directly refused, Ge'er had finally acted like a baby to him once, and she couldn't let others do it for her.

Thinking in this way, Mozun quickly went up, waved a wind blade, chopped off the poisonous snake in half, then easily picked off the white umbrella ganoderma, and brought it to Ge'er.

"Thank you." Ge'er took the ganoderma and touched the ganoderma's umbrella.

"Let's go, if you want anything else, you can talk to this deity at any time." Bai Yeling said.

Youzhen and Moli were at the end, their arms were covered with goosebumps by the disgusting Mozun.

You Chan said, "Since when did the lord become so gross?"

Mo Li spread his hands: "Who knows, it was fine when I came back last time, but this time I came back and brought a woman back and changed. Sure enough, the power of love will make people change drastically?"

Youzhen nodded firmly: "In two years, when I become an adult, I will also find a woman who is as beautiful and powerful as the Lord's woman."

Mo Li thought of Jing Ge's deception of the monster princess, and shook his shoulders: "Forget it, you can't control that kind of woman, and only someone like the Lord can control that kind of woman."

"How do you know if you haven't tried it? Maybe it's just a radish and a hole?" You Zhan thought of the love scriptures that others said: there is a radish and a hole, what kind of radish goes with what kind of hole, and what kind of hole grows. kind of radish.

"Heh, even so, you won't be the right carrot."

You Chan: "...Why do I feel that our topic seems to be dirty all of a sudden?"

Mo Li calmly said: "You didn't think wrong, it's dirty, carrots are men, pits are women, what do you think this topic is?"

Youzhen's face flushed immediately, and he squeaked, "Brother Moli, you are too bad."

Mo Li patted You Chan on the shoulder, heheed, and said, "Young man, you don't know anything about the adult world."

You Chan: "..." Is the world of adults so dirty?
"Chirp chirp chirp." A voice resembling a bird chirping came.

At first glance, the sound was cute, and it felt like a cute bird... However, when this 'cute bird' approached, Mo Li was almost scared to death.

"Fuck, just now that cute chirp chirp chirp was sent by this giant?" Mo Li looked confused.

You Yan swallowed and said: "It seems to be, and this thing looks so ugly, it doesn't match Mengmengda at all."

(End of this chapter)

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