Chapter 843
"Jiu Jiu Jiu..." The ugly behemoth, who didn't know if he understood their conversation, suddenly called out to them Jiu Jiu Jiu.

You Chan: "..."

Mo Li: "..." Does this shit have an IQ?

Bai Yeling glanced at the Jiujiujiu monster, and pointed at Youzheng: "Youzheng, you go and beat it, Moli is going to get food and come back, Moyin is looking for a water source, it's getting late, let's have a meal here After dinner, find a place to spend the night directly, and continue on the road tomorrow morning."

"What about me?" Jing Ge waited for a while, but didn't hear what he had planned for her, so she took the initiative to ask.

"Don't you want to pick more herbs? There are many rare herbs and spiritual herbs growing in the magic forest. If you want, I will accompany you to pick them."

Most of the rare spirit herbs in Qianniao Pavilion are supplied from the magic forest.

As soon as Mozun said this, Jing Ge immediately felt that he was stared at.

No need to know, the person staring at her must be the magic voice.

Jing Ge was not annoyed by Moyin's hostility, on the contrary, sometimes in a good mood, she would deliberately get closer to Moyin to tease Moyin, watching her jump to the ground in anger, but did not dare to show it .

Very interesting.

Although Mo Yin didn't like her, he didn't have too much malice towards her, so Ge'er wouldn't do anything to Mo Yin casually.

After all, Magic Sound is the person beside him.

Mozun squeezed her chin: "Is it fun?" His tone was full of pampering.

Ge'er is really getting more and more playful, but he still likes Ge'er like this.

Jing Ge nodded: "It's fun."

Jing Ge smiled happily, a small dimple appeared on her cheek.

Mozun couldn't help poking her dimple with his finger, Ge'er glared at him, turned his face away, and slapped his paw hard.

"What did you bring me here to look for?" Jing Ge picked a handful of wild fruits from the tree, picked the ripest one, wiped it on his clothes, and handed it to Mozun.

Mozun reached out to take it.

Jing Singer turned a corner, quickly put it to his mouth and took a bite.

He looked at Mozun triumphantly, as if he was saying, I won't give you food, what can you do with me?
Mozun narrowed his eyes dangerously, and before Ge'er could react, he quickly approached.

"Crack." She took a bite of the fruit in her hand.

The location of the bite just covered where she ate.


Isn't this an indirect kiss?

Mozun looked at her embarrassed look, curled his lips into an evil smile, savored the flesh in his mouth, and said, "It's very sweet."

In this way, Ge'er couldn't help but think about seeing peonies on the other side of the cliff that day.

Did this man eat candied fruit?A set of sweet words——

Jing Ge simply stuffed the whole wild fruit into his mouth, but she made a mistake, and the moment Mozun opened his mouth, she quickly dropped the wild fruit in her hand and threw a sour fruit into it.

Mozun calmly bit the sour fruit.

The sour juice exploded in the mouth in an instant, making people's teeth soft quickly.

But Mozun's expression was too calm, as if he was really eating a sweet fruit, which made Jing Ge doubt the fruit he just threw in...

Is this fruit not sour at all?

Thinking of this, she chose the greenest one from the same sour fruit, and carefully took a bite——

"Well, it's so sour." His teeth were going to be sour.

"Pfft, hahaha, why are you so cute." Mozun stretched out his hand and rubbed her head.

(End of this chapter)

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