First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 844 Feeling a little heavy

Chapter 844 Feeling a little heavy

He took the remaining half of the sour fruit in her hand, threw it into his mouth, and said: "My mother has always liked to eat sour food, so I have been eating sour food with my mother since I was a child, so naturally I am not afraid of sourness."

Listening to his words, Jing Ge thought of Bai Changle's mother, that beautiful young woman who also liked sauerkraut very much.

When they first came to eat at their house, there was a sauerkraut dish on the table, Jing Ge just took a bite, and had an extra bowl of rice for that meal.

It's so acidic that the teeth are about to fall out.

"Go back and see what Molidu brought back to eat."


After the two went back, Mo Li just finished the barbecue.

You Yan also knocked down the Jiujiujiu monster, and took out a beautiful beast core from the monster's head.

When Mozun and Jing Ge came back, You Chan immediately handed over the blue beast core to the Lord, and the latter gave it to Jing Ge: "Here."

Beast cores can be used for alchemy, and can also be used for cultivation. Different types of animal cores can correspondingly increase the speed of different types of exercises.

"My lord, the meat is ready to be cooked," Mo Li said.

He was holding fresh wild boar pork, which was roasted just right and full of fragrance.

Mozun sat down, broke off a pig's trotter and handed it to Ge'er: "Mother said that eating a pig's trotter can make you beautiful."

After he finished speaking, he stared at Ge'er's face for a second, and said, "But if you eat, you won't become beautiful, but stay beautiful."


"Because you are already too beautiful."

Jing Ge: "..." Is this glib Uncle Bai a ghost?

At night, when everyone was asleep, Mozun quietly took out a book from the space, which was given to him by Gu Limo when he was in Mausoleum.

If you learn the inner words, you are guaranteed to catch up with your sweetheart.

"101 Sweet Words You Must Know When Chasing Your Sweetheart" is printed on the cover of the book.

The first sentence: I know everything you like.

The second sentence: You are sweeter than flowers.

The third sentence: You are the most beautiful, so beautiful that you can't be more beautiful.

The fourth sentence: ...

If Jing Ge woke up at this moment and saw the contents of this book, she would definitely be shocked... Is this the reason why the Lord has convulsions recently?

Wake up in the morning.

Jing Ge stood up, feeling a little heavy.

"This place is too humid, and the water vapor is heavier at night. After sleeping, a lot of water will be absorbed into the body." Mozun said.

After he finished speaking, he walked over and touched Ge'er's hand. His palm was hot, and a wave of heat was transmitted from Jing Ge's palm into her body.

After a while, Jing Ge felt that the bulky feeling in his body disappeared, and he became light again.

Mo Li, You Yan, and Mo Yin also woke up one after another, and the five continued on their way.

at the same time.

Another corner of the forest.

Bai Changle was holding a branch, facing a big snake. The whole body of the snake was black, and there were thin hairs on the snake body. It looked like a very poisonous snake.

During Bai Changle's fight with the poisonous snake, the sword in his hand was dropped by the snake.

This snake seemed to be enlightened, and it actually knew how to get rid of his weapon first.

Bai Changle rolled and fled from the snake, picked up something for self-defense, took a look at it, and found that what he picked up was a branch.

This is a bit embarrassing.

Just when one person and one snake were at a stalemate, the magic flute who had gone out to look for food came back.

He walked to Bai Changle calmly, and said: "This is a black-spotted snake, it is very poisonous, but be careful not to touch its teeth."

Bai Changle let out an oh.

(End of this chapter)

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