Chapter 851 Ruins 1
"What are you, why don't you go in quickly, if you keep going, it will be dark." Lan Zhongquan rushed up suddenly, and slapped Lan Susu's face.

Lan Susu's face was distorted.

She covered her face, lowered her head, and her long eyelashes drooped to hide the emotion in her eyes.

Lan Susu walked ahead and entered the restricted area...

These are things that happened yesterday.

Jing Ge and the others came outside the restricted area and saw bones and messy footprints on the ground.

"Someone has been here before." Jing Ge said, walked to the nearest pile of bones to look at, and said: "It seems that they should have come here yesterday, and these bones are still fresh."

Yuu has already woken up.

It's just that the foot injury hasn't healed yet, and I'm a little limping when I walk.

Mo Li helped him walk at first, but then he felt that two big men were too tired and crooked, so he directly made a walking stick for Youzhen.

Youzhen was leaning on crutches. After being poisoned, his face was a little sickly white, and he looked like a sickly handsome man.

"My lord, let the subordinates go inside first to find out the situation." Mo Li, who grew up in the devil world, naturally knows what the ruins in the magic forest represent.

Ruins also have another name, called ancient ruins.

There are more than one ruins in Kyushu.

But almost every place where ruins are found, it becomes a dangerous forbidden zone.

There are rumors that the ruins are the war ruins left after the war of the ancient gods, but others say that the ruins are the punishment for the landing of the cloud world...

In the miscellaneous books circulated among the people, the records about these are even more varied.

It's dazzling.

Only you can't think of it, there is nothing they can't write.

After Mo Li finished speaking, he wanted to go in.

Just when Mo Li was about to set foot on the restricted area, Mo Zun suddenly raised his hand and threw Mo Li out.

Mo Li was brought out by a force, fell to the ground, and turned his head to look at Mo Zun in confusion.

The next moment, he knew what the reason was.

Mozun walked forward alone, stretched out his hand over the territory of the restricted zone, and slowly touched it.

"Zizi." Mozun's hand was bounced away by a strange force.

"Someone inside touched the protection formation of the ruins." Mozun frowned.

With the protection of this formation, it will be even more difficult for them to get in.

I don't know that it was the blind man who rushed in ahead of him, even if he went in, he even touched the protection formation of the ruins.

As soon as this formation is released, the people inside are more or less fortunate, and it takes a lot of effort for them to get in.

"This formation looks familiar." Jing Ge leaned over and stretched out her hand towards the sky above the formation, but before her hand touched it, Mozun pulled her back.

"Don't touch it, it will hurt your hand."

"It's nothing, it's just an electric current similar to lightning. When it comes into contact with it, it will suddenly go numb. People who are not familiar with it are easily scared, but in fact, electricity can't kill people."

She said, putting her hand on it directly.

"Zizi." The voice of a weak electric current sounded.

Sure enough, this formation was the lightning protection formation she had seen in her previous life.

It is specially used to scare people, and it can also drive away wild animals.

But the damage is not very strong, but since this formation is used on the periphery, there must be other formations in the ruins...

"I can break the protective formation outside, but after entering inside, there will definitely be more terrifying formations and dangers waiting for us. You all try not to get separated in a while, pay more attention to the surrounding situation, especially It's under your feet, don't touch things with your hands."

(End of this chapter)

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