Chapter 852 Ruins 2
"Looking at the footprints on the ground, there should be quite a few people inside, I'm afraid they are all in danger."

The ruins are not limited to the Demon Realm. I used to read many descriptions about ruins in my miscellaneous story books. Some of them are true, and some are just fictions made up by people who are bored.

But the only thing that is certain is that the ruins are a mysterious and dangerous place.

As soon as the voice fell, Youzhen suddenly let out an exclamation.

"Come and see, there's something here."

He originally wanted to find a place to sit and rest.

I didn't expect to make a new discovery just after sitting down.

Jing Ge was still busy breaking the formation, but Mo Li and Mo Yin, driven by curiosity, walked to You Chan's side.

You Chan tapped a very small character on the ground with his cane, which was written with bones, a crooked word for 'death'.

It looks a little spooky.

"How could someone engrave such a word here? It looks like goose bumps are coming out."

"Death, could it be that there are traitors among them, and they plan to go in and take the opportunity to deal with them all?" Mo Li expressed his guess.

You Yan followed suit and nodded: "I think it's very possible, after all, it's inside, death is nothing more than normal."


There was a sound not far away.

Ge'er wiped the sweat off her forehead, and walked over: "Okay, the formation has been lifted, we can go in."

She walked up to You Chan, looked down at the crooked handwriting on the ground, and said: "This word looks like it was written by someone who is not very literate. Although it can be guessed that it is written in dead characters, the above The last gesture on the right is not written."

"Isn't it possible that it was too late to finish writing?" You Chan asked.

"No, do you see these bones next to it? This is not a whole chicken bone, some bones that are easier to chew are missing, and they may have been eaten.

Then the remaining bones were neatly arranged by people. People who have time to play this kind of thing may not have time to add the last gesture, and they probably have never studied or learned to write.

It’s just self-taught or extremely talented, memorized the outline of the character, and traced it out, so I wrote it like a child who just learned, and it’s normal to miss a gesture or two. "

"It seems to be true." After You Yan finished speaking, when he looked at Jing Ge again, his eyes were full of admiration.

This man is amazing.

As expected of the person whom the lord favored.

There was a sudden sinking on the head, Jing Ge raised his head and saw the big hand resting on his head.

"Let's go, it's time to go in." The steady voice came out of his mouth, easily giving her a strong sense of security.

Jing Ge wanted to dodge habitually, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mo Yin's angry and jealous expression not far away.

Hooked lips smile.

She got closer again, and almost put herself into the arms of the demon king. From the perspective of this magic sound, she threw herself into the arms of the demon king shamelessly.

"Okay, let's go ahead." Jing Ge said.

Sensing that the magic sound was about to jump in anger, Jing Ge showed a mischievous smile, and a little mischievous excitement shone in her beautiful eyes.

Skin this, very happy.

"Let's go." Mozun took the opportunity to hold her hand.

Hand in hand, walk ahead.

Youzhen leaned on crutches and walked beside Mo Li, leaned his head closer to Mo Li, and said, "Why do I feel that we are eating dog food after you?"

(End of this chapter)

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