Chapter 853 Ruins 3
Mo Li was puzzled: "Eat dog food? Why do you eat dog food? Are you hungry?"

You Zhan shook his head: "Of course not. The dog food here is not for real grabbing from dogs, but for watching people show their affection. A single dog is fed a mouthful of food, which is called dog food for short."

Mo Li looked at You Yan in disbelief: "Where did you hear the word?"

You Zhan pointed to Ge'er who was walking in front. The big and small figures seemed inexplicably suitable for each other. He said, "I overheard what she said. I thought it was very interesting, so I remembered it."

Mo Li made a look of understanding, and whispered: "It should be the language of their human race, I didn't expect it to be so interesting."

You Chan, who has never been to the human world, nodded vigorously after hearing this: "Yes, I think so too."

Mo Li thought of something, rubbed You Chan's ears distressedly, and said, "Are your parents not allowing you to play in the human world?"

Youzhen nodded aggrievedly: "Yes, I have to wait until I am an adult before I can go out."

"It's almost time, there are only two years left."

Youzhen suddenly became excited again, and said: "Yeah, there are two years left. When I become an adult, the first thing I will do is to go out and find a woman who is as strong as the Lord's sweetheart and come back as a wife."

Mo Li glanced at the woman who was tightly guarded by the Lord, and said, "It doesn't exist, do you still remember the principle of the carrot and the pit we said? Your carrot is not thick enough or big enough to handle it." Such a strong woman."

Mo Li shook his head, thinking of Jing Ge's appearance when he was playing tricks, he trembled, and said to himself: I wouldn't even dare to take such a woman if I gave it away.

Jing Ge didn't know that if she was not careful, she became the psychological shadow of others.

Her hand was held by the Mozun, and she couldn't break free, so she simply didn't break free.

"Ah, help, there is a ghost."

Suddenly there was a scream, and a random gray figure flashed past, and quickly disappeared.

You Chan raised his head, just in time to see the scene of the gray figure disappearing, his face turned livid with fright, shivering to Mo Li's back, he asked anxiously, "What was that just now? Why did it disappear suddenly?"

Jing Ge narrowed his eyes, and approached directly in that direction.

A pool of scarlet blood splashed all over the ground, including the walls on both sides, which were all mottled with blood.

Jing Ge scraped it with his fingers, put his fingertips under his nose, sniffed it, and said, "The blood is still fresh, that person died not long ago."

As soon as she finished her words, it was obvious that You Chan's whole body tensed up suddenly.

Anxiously grabbing the hem of Mo Li's clothes, he almost wanted to turn himself into Mo Li's conjoined twins.

Mo Li looked at the child angrily, and said, "Are you so afraid of this kind of thing?" You are a devil, are you afraid of ghosts?
For the latter sentence, Mo Li was afraid of hurting You Can too much, so he restrained himself from saying it.

But the tone of the speech almost expressed the meaning.

You Yan said listlessly: "I, I'm not afraid~"

Mo Li: "..." When you say you are not afraid, can your voice not shake?

Jing Ge turned to look at You Yan, and said calmly, "This is not just one person's blood."

She obviously felt that You Yan was trembling even more, so she continued: "The one who died was a human, not a ghost. What are you afraid of?"

You Chan: "..." I was even more scared when you said that, woo woo woo...

He should not use this woman as a template to find a wife in the future, it's too scary.

(End of this chapter)

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