Chapter 854 Ruins 4
Mozun suddenly said: "The one who died is indeed a human being, but I don't know what will become after death. The gray figure just now seems to be going here. Let's go and see."

You Chan's whole body was about to be hung on Mo Li's body.

Looking up at high-end players, trembling.

Mozun and Jing Ge walked in front, Jing Ge whispered: "Did you deliberately scare him just now?" There is no supernatural in this world, right?However, she herself was summoned by the original body after floating in the soul body for several years.

It is also possible that these dead people left their souls in this place.

Mozun turned his head to look at her, and said, "Do you think what I just said is not true?"

Jing Ge opened his eyes in horror.

Mozun laughed suddenly, but he didn't laugh out loud, but his shoulders shook.

He patted Jing Ge's shoulder lightly, and said: "Well, what I said is indeed not true."

Jing Ge: "..." Your lord, has your old man learned something wrong?

There was another miserable cry.

Jing Ge identified the location where the voice came from, pointed to a certain place and said: "Over there." There was a wall.

Mozun came over and pressed his palm against the wall, a force came out from his palm.

With a sound of "bang", the wall was broken, revealing a hole through which one person could pass.

Jing Ge wanted to go there first, but was stopped by Mozun.

Mozun was the first to slip through, and after he passed, a deep voice came from the other end of the cave: "This side is safe, come here."

Jing Ge got in.

After stepping on the opposite side, I realized something was wrong.

There is no figure of the Lord here!
what happened?why?What about the honorable master?If the other person is not there, then who made the voice just now?
Jing Ge thought of something, and quickly said to the people on the other side of the cave entrance: "There is deceit here, don't come in." However, the voice after she exited was: "This side is safe, come here."

That voice was indeed her voice, but it wasn't her.

Jing Ge broke into a cold sweat from fright.

There is no such thing in this ruined place... Everything in the ruins is unknown. If it is a ruin, it seems plausible that there is such a thing.

Jing Ge swallowed her saliva, trying to find the location of the Demon Lord, she shouted: "Lord, where are you?"

"This deity is here, come quickly." A voice sounded from the direction of the north.

"No, the deity is here, come here quickly." Another voice sounded from the direction of the south.

"Wrong, the deity is here, come here quickly." A voice came from the east.

For a moment, the voices of seven or eight Demon Lords were mixed in, and Jing Ge didn't know which one to believe, or none of them were true.

These voices imitate very much, just from the sound, it is completely impossible to tell which one is real and which one is not.

She was a little depressed.

Are these things intelligent?
He actually knew how to deceive her... But, did he really treat her like a child?Think she's so gullible?
Ha ha.

Jing Ge let out a sneer in his heart.

She took out a talisman paper, bit her index finger, and quickly drew a pattern on it.

"Slap." He slapped the talisman against the wall.

North, south, east, west, four directions, one on each side.

These things are all she knew in her previous life. She thought she would have no chance to use them in this world, but she did not expect to use them anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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