Chapter 876
So the big brother didn't come to look for him, but to look for Ge'er?

Could it be that Ge'er has already developed such a relationship with her eldest brother?
Bai Changle's face was shocked, he almost choked on the bun, he opened his dark eyes and stared at Ge'er for a long time.

Until Ge'er couldn't bear it any longer, and asked him, "What are you doing staring at me all morning? Is there something on my face?"

"Ge'er, has the relationship between you and big brother reached that point?"

"What kind... wait a minute, uncle went to find you last night?"

Bai Changle thought of his elder brother's stinky face last night, and nodded in panic, "Ge'er, you didn't do it on purpose last night, did you?"

It's no wonder that Ge'er suddenly proposed to change houses with him to sleep in. Obviously, the house that Ge'er lives in is the best in the Demon Palace.

Ah, he should have thought of it a long time ago, Ge'er is angry, how could he exchange the house he knew was a good one to sleep in?
It turned out that there were still such things waiting in the back, and now, he was going to be finished, and the elder brother would definitely break his dog legs.

Looking at Bai Changle's gloomy expression, Jing Ge probably guessed what happened last night, smiled and said, "Did your elder brother go to bed last night?"

Bai Changle thought for a while: "No." He opened his eyes, and saw the big brother with a stinky face——

I slept in a daze last night, but I didn't feel scared. After thinking about it today, I suddenly woke up with fright.

Bai Changle thought to himself, he is going to be finished, the eldest brother will definitely want to kill him.

During the entire breakfast time, Bai Yeling did not appear as usual.

Jing Ge felt uneasy, did she play off this time?That guy won't be really angry, will he?
At night, Bai Yeling didn't come out, so Jing Ge knew that he was playing off.

She lay back on the original bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Dabai arched back and forth in her arms, sweeping his wet tongue across her face.

Jing Ge patted Dabai's dog's head and said, "I'm fine, go to sleep."

Dabai yelled at her twice.

Jing Ge, unable to sleep, began to count the stars and the little sheep, counting, and there was a face of Bai Yeling on the stars, and the little sheep turned into Bai Yeling——

"Could it be that I'm - aroused?" Holding Dabai still feeling empty, Jing Ge couldn't lie down.

Start thinking about a very difficult big problem you have encountered in your life.

Ge'er couldn't be sure of her own mind. It would be great if Xingyue was by her side. She could tell Xingyue her feelings. Xingyue must know her current problems, and maybe she could write suggestions to her.

But beside her, there are only two unreliable contracted beasts and a big white dog.

No one can give her advice.

Jing Ge could only continue to think wildly.

Thinking of my brain hurts.

She gave up thinking, turned over and sat up, opened the window, and knocked on the dark night outside the window.

Turning her head to look at Dabai who was sleeping soundly on the bed, Jing Ge sat on the edge of the table and unfolded a piece of paper stained with a special powder.

She wrote down her troubles on it, folded the paper into small thousand paper cranes, injected her spiritual energy, and let the thousand paper cranes fly.

The thousand paper cranes flew and flew, and it took a day to arrive at the Lin Mansion in Fengyue Kingdom.

It wasn't Hao Xingyue who first saw Thousand Paper Cranes, but Lang Ming.

Lang Ming was very familiar with Ge'er's aura, and when the thousand paper cranes approached, Lang Ming could smell the aura that belonged exclusively to Ge'er.

(End of this chapter)

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