Chapter 877
Pointing at the little paper crane, he shouted excitedly: "Ge'er, Geer!"

Hao Xingyue also noticed the Thousand Paper Crane in front of her, which was full of Ge'er's aura.

She spread her hands, and the thousand paper cranes slowly landed on her palms as if consciously.

Xingyue hugged Langming, sat on the edge of the table, and carefully opened the thousand paper cranes.

"Xingyue, I have a question..."

Hao Xingyue, who had finished reading the hunger question on Thousand Paper Cranes, burst out laughing.

Lang Ming stared at her stupidly, as if he didn't understand why she suddenly smiled, and why he didn't see Ge'er even though he smelled Ge'er's breath.

"Ge'er?" Lang Ming bit his lower lip, looking like he was about to cry because of grievance.

Hao Xingyue poked his cheek and said, "This is Geer's Qianzhihe. She hasn't come back yet, but she said she misses you very much."

Lang Ming understood this sentence and laughed happily.

Hao Xingyue pressed her forehead against Lang Ming's and rubbed it, thinking: It would be great if Lang Ming was really her child, such a well-behaved and cute child, she would like to have such a cute child in her dreams.

Hao Xingyue put Langming down, found a pen, and wrote the answer under Ge'er's paper crane.

Then follow the pattern of the thousand paper cranes to restore the paper.

The restored Thousand Paper Crane flew out of the window of the house as if it had its own consciousness...

It has been two days.

Uncle disappeared for two days.

Jing Ge pinched his younger brother's gradually rounded cheeks, and asked his younger brother with a sad face: "Do you think he is really angry? Should I apologize to him and tell him not to be angry?"

Jing Di grabbed her finger and wanted to send it to her mouth.

Jing Ge withdrew her finger and handed her younger brother to Dabai.

Xiaodi and Dabai hit it off right away, and they can play together all day long.

The thousand paper cranes flew in leisurely, Jing Ge's black eyes lit up, took the thousand paper cranes, and opened them impatiently.

Read what's written inside.

Xingyue's reply was only one sentence: When you think about him all the time, but not because of hatred, that is love.

Jing Ge repeated these words silently several times.

I didn't read it again, my heart was clamoring, and the frequency was getting higher and higher. At the end, I had the illusion that it was going to pop out of my throat.

Does she love the uncle?seems like it.

It took Jing Ge a whole day to sort out her shocking emotions, and she made sure of her mind.

Once you realize that you like someone, this feeling of lovesickness will become more and more intense, and you can't wait to see the other person now.

The witch from the previous life was swift and resolute in her actions.

Although this life has changed, the essence remains the same.

After knowing what she wanted, Jing Ge decided to do whatever she wanted to be happy.

Therefore, when she wanted to see Bai Yeling, she called out Moli and Youzhen who were still in charge of protecting her secretly after returning from the magic forest.

"Where is the Lord now?" Jing Ge asked.

Mo Li said: "The lord is closed."

"Retreat?" Jing Ge raised his eyebrows, obviously he didn't expect this answer, he thought he was hiding from him because he was angry, but he went to retreat directly.

In a sense, she was right in thinking that Bai Yeling chose to retreat because he was indeed angry.

Originally, the retreat this time was not so urgent, and he could wait until the three-month deadline passed before entering the retreat.

But he was too angry, and he couldn't bear to show Ge'er's face, so he had to start the retreat ahead of schedule.

(End of this chapter)

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