First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 878 An Accident in the Lin Mansion 1

Chapter 878 An Accident in the Lin Mansion 1
"How long will it take to come out?" Jing Ge expressed enthusiasm, and immediately calmed down when a basin of cold water was poured over her. "

"This time it will take about ten days." Mo Li said.

"Oh, I see." There are still about seven days.

Mo Li was a little puzzled, but when he saw that she was fine and asked himself again, he had no choice but to return to work with full of doubts.

You Yan quietly came to his side, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Mo Li, what does Jing Ge want from you?"

Mo Li shook his head: "I don't know, I'm looking for the whereabouts of the Lord."

If Bai Yeling knew that he went into seclusion in a fit of anger and missed Ge'er's confession, he would definitely vomit blood with anger.

Seven days was enough for Ge'er to calm down from the restlessness when she found out that she liked the other party.

Jing Ge didn't wait until seven days later.

After the fifth day, she received bad news.

The Fengyue Guolin Mansion was impeached and sued to the court. For a while, there was a bloodbath and all kinds of rumors spread everywhere.

Lin Fu was once pushed to the forefront of public opinion.

Grandpa Lin Desheng vomited blood even more, his body recuperated with great difficulty, and collapsed again.

Jing Ge knew about this and was extremely anxious.

Can't wait any longer.

She found Bai Changle, explained her affairs briefly, and then prepared to leave the Demon Realm and return to Fengyue Kingdom.

Bai Changle wanted to go with her, but Ge'er couldn't refuse, and agreed to Bai Changle to go with her.

After leaving the message that he was going to leave, Jing Ge and Bai Changle took Jing Di and Dabai together, and boarded the spaceship back to Fengyue Kingdom.

Three days later, Fengyue Kingdom.

"Miss is back."

The appearance of Jing Ge made the silent Lin Mansion lively.

"Where are little uncle and grandpa?" Jing Ge asked Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue heard the words, but before answering, his eyes were red, and he choked up for a while before he said: "The master and the boss have been imprisoned by the king's people, and now they are in the dungeon. They don't know what happened to them, and they will not let us visit. time.

What are you talking about, you are afraid that we will spread the news and harm the country and the people, but our Lin family is loyal and courageous, when did we do such a thing?Must have been framed. "Zhang Yue was filled with indignation.

Jing Ge asked some more questions, and probably knew what was going on.

Then quickly summoned the Lin Family Army and the Guisha Corps. The Guisha Corps was still under Zhang Yue's control and was ready to rob the prison at any time.

Lin Jiajun sneaked into Fengyue City to inquire about the latest news and find out who framed the Lin Mansion.

Ge'er quickly conveyed the arrangement, and waited for everyone to leave.

She sat in the room, propped her chin, and rubbed the space between her eyebrows.

Meng Feifei and the others all came to see her, but Ge'er wanted to be alone, so after saying hello, she asked them to leave.

Jing Di also handed it to Bai Changle to watch.

She told Li Chen and Li Gui that Jing Di was the little master.

Most of the people in the mansion knew about the existence of the little young master, so they didn't find it strange to hear the news, but looked forward to the new member's joining with joy.

Lin's mansion was too deserted, with the appearance of the young lady, the Lin's mansion was full of vigor and vitality, but it didn't expect that it would take so long to provoke the king again.

In the evening, Zhang Yue and others came back with news.

I roughly got some eyebrows.

"Let's talk." Jing Ge sat on the main seat, waiting for them to report the news they had inquired.

"The king's early court time is not stable recently, he often does not go to court for no reason, and his temper has become much more violent. In the past half a month alone, five ministers have been killed." Zhang Yue said
(End of this chapter)

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