First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 879 An Accident in the Lin Mansion 2

Chapter 879 An Accident in the Lin Mansion 2
"Is there any more?" Jing Ge sat on the main seat, her aura was full of oppression, so strong that it was impossible to treat her as a 15-year-old girl.

"Twelve of the imperial physicians in the palace died in the past three months."

"Twelve imperial doctors died in three months. This is definitely not a trivial matter. Is there any eyeliner in the palace? Arrange for that person to check on the king to see if the king has any serious illness."

Jing Ge tapped the tea table with her fingers, and said again: "Li Gui, who is in charge of the dungeon in Fengyue Kingdom?"

"Master Jiang Ke."

"Continue to deliver the letter, I want to meet my little uncle and grandpa."

"Yes, this subordinate will arrange for people to continue to harass."

Jing Ge nodded.

"Come here first today, you go down and arrange your own work. If there is any progress, remember to notify me immediately, no matter when."

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison.

With the young lady here, they, without a leader, can finally straighten their backs and start rescuing their boss and lord.

No matter how outsiders spread rumors, they always believed that the Lin family was innocent!

"Miss, the alchemist alliance medicine master please see me." The housekeeper, Lin Youcai, ran all the way in, panting.

"Invite people in quickly, forget it, I'll pick them up." At this time, Yao Lao came to her, it must be because of the matter of grandpa and little uncle, maybe he knows something inside.

Thinking of this, Jing Ge stepped faster.

If she couldn't see her little uncle and grandpa for a day, and couldn't get news of their safety, she couldn't feel at ease, and it was even more difficult to sleep at night.

"My little girl didn't know Yao Lao was coming, so I'm sorry to welcome you at a distance." Jing Ge walked quickly to Yao Lao, and said with a salute.

Yao Lao nodded: "Go in and take a step to talk."

Jing Ge quickly stepped aside and led the way.

Back in the living room, Jing Ge ordered his servants to prepare hot tea, and asked Yao Lao to sit down.

"What news did you find out recently?" Yao Lao was not in a hurry to tell the purpose of his visit, and chatted with Jing Ge for a long time like a charade.

"Yao Lao, I want to confirm one thing from you, is the king seriously ill?"

Yao Lao glanced at her, with strong admiration in his eyes: "That's right, you have only been back for two days, and you have found out so many things, you can stay calm."

"No way, grandpa and little uncle have been taken away. If I get into trouble at this time, the Lin Mansion will have no owner. Who will save little uncle and grandpa then? I was forced out." Jing Jing Ge could actually lower her posture, lest people see her specialness.

At this time, the servant girl came in with freshly brewed tea and poured it for them.

Jing Ge raised his hand as a gesture, and asked Yao Lao to taste the new good tea from the mansion.

Yao Lao picked up the teacup, took a sip, and sighed: "Good tea, the tea is full-bodied, rich and fragrant, and the fragrance lingers on the tip of the tongue for a long time."

"If Yao Lao likes it, I'll send someone to deliver a few packs to your house later."

"Hehe, you girl, you are a ghost, well, even if you don't bring me tea, I will bring you news today, old man. You guessed it right, the faint king is indeed ill, and there is no cure for his terminal illness. rule."

Yao Lao's pause made Jing Ge frowned.

You don't need to guess to know that the latter is definitely not a good thing.

"So the king angered the innocent imperial doctor because there was no cure for his illness? He killed 12 people in three months?"

(End of this chapter)

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