First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 926 Another Missing Person

Chapter 926 Another Missing Person

After Jing Ge finished listening, the creases on the eyebrows became deeper.

No matter what time, Xu Gui'an still had the intention to have an affair, and he deserved to be taken away by the monster.

Jing Ge looked down on this kind of person from the bottom of his heart.

As a mayor, he didn't serve the people well, and he did such a dirty thing.

Especially now is still in a special period.

Seeing that she was very angry, Bai Yeling quietly held her hand, squeezed the tender flesh of her palm, and whispered in her ear: "I won't see anything here for a while, why don't you go back and wait?" When Chu Xiaojie comes here, he may be able to find a breakthrough from the woman's mouth."

"En." Under Bai Yeling's comfort, Jing Ge gradually relaxed himself, without looking at the housekeeper again, and returned to the hall with Bai Yeling's arms around his waist.

After the two went back, Zhang Yue came with Chu Xiaojie not long after.

The faces of the two of them were not very good-looking when they came.

Jing Ge's heart skipped a beat, and she had a bad guess.

Zhang Yue and her looked at each other, shook his head, sighed heavily, and said, "When we came, we found another person missing."

"Another one is missing? Where did it disappear? Are there any witnesses?" Jing Ge frowned and asked.

This time the time interval between the disappearance of the two was too close.

Zhang Yue turned his body sideways to let out a thin little girl behind him.

The little girl is about seventeen or eighteen years old, malnourished, looks like bean sprouts, and her skin is tanned, like a small coal ball.

Standing restlessly behind Zhang Yue, his big watery eyes hide his fear and fear of strangers.

"The girl is an eyewitness, and the missing person is the child's mother. According to the child, a long hand stretched out from the ditch and dragged her mother away. However, the person who was supposed to take away It belonged to a little girl, but the girl's mother pushed the girl away at the last moment and was taken away herself."

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, his face was not very good-looking.

Obviously, I feel sorry for the little girl. If I lose my mother at such a young age, how will I live in the future?
The little girl looked at them anxiously.

Jing Ge knelt down, waved to the little girl, and let the little girl come over.

The little girl was a little cautious at first, but after Zhang Yue squatted down and whispered something to her in a low voice, the little girl walked over obediently.

Standing in front of Jing Ge.

Jing Ge took out a small candy from her bosom, stuffed it into the little girl's hand, and asked, "Little baby, don't be afraid, sister is not a bad person."

The little girl nodded, and asked in a low voice: "That big brother said, you are a princess, is it true?"

Jing Ge passed the little girl and glanced at Zhang Yue. Zhang Yue caught her gaze and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Jing Ge touched the little girl's head and said, "Yes, so my sister is not a bad person, can you trust my sister?"

"Sister, can my mother come back?" The little girl held the candy in her hand with a lonely expression.

Seeing her depressed appearance, Jing Ge couldn't help feeling distressed, and said, "We will find mother as soon as possible, okay? Can you tell sister what your name is?"

"My name is Xiaoyun, and my mother said that because of my new life, there was a very beautiful little cloud in the sky, so I am Xiaoyun."

The little girl gradually became less restrained, and even took the initiative to open up the topic.

Jing Ge didn't interrupt the little girl's words, but let her talk to her heart's content, letting her relax completely.

(End of this chapter)

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