Chapter 927 Hypnosis
Then, she didn't rush and asked the little girl to tell what she saw, but turned to look at Chu Xiaojie and let him go over to see the woman's condition and whether hypnosis could be performed.

Hearing this, Chu Xiaojie quickly went over, checked for a while, and nodded, saying yes.

"It's not too late, let's start now, Zhang Yue, go outside and watch, don't let anyone come in to disturb you."

Zhang Yue originally wanted to stay and see how Chu Xiaojie performed the hypnotism, but after hearing this, he obediently went out and stood guard at the door.

Jing Ge asked the rest of the people to go out as well, leaving behind her, Zhao Jinyan, the little girl, Chu Xiaojie, and the woman tied to the chair.

At this moment, the woman has completely fallen into one of her hallucinations, feeling that there will be a monster to eat her at any time.

So she has been crazy all the time, if her mouth hadn't been sealed by Jing Ge in advance, she would definitely be yelling, crying and making noise at this moment.

Chu Xiaojie took out a piece of jade that he often wears by his side, put it in front of the woman, and began to hypnotize...

After a while.

The woman suddenly closed her eyes.

When Chu Xiaojie said to open her eyes, the woman opened her eyes again, but at this time, there was a huge change in her eyes from when she was insane just now.

Chu Xiaojie started to ask questions.

"Where were you last night? What did you do? Who were you with? What happened to you?"

The woman began to recall what happened last night bit by bit according to the order of Chu Xiaojie's questions.

She murmured and said: "Last night, the mayor took me to his mansion, here I am, and then he took me to the yard, trying to play with me outside, but I think someone It looked bad, and then asked him to dismiss all the people. Then... then... something happened... Ah, no, don't eat me, don't eat me..."

The woman seemed to think of the moment when she met the monster, and she began to resist, wanting to wake up from Chu Xiaojie's hypnosis.

In order to suppress the woman's resistance, Chu Xiaojie sweated a lot on his forehead.

"What did you see?" Chu Xiaojie continued to ask.

"Ah, ah, that's a monster, a monster... so scary, it will eat me, I will definitely eat my hunger." The woman broke down emotionally.

Chu Xiaojie was afraid that he would not be able to suppress her, so he hurriedly asked the last question: "Have you seen that monster? What does it look like? What kind of monster is it that dragged the mayor away? What did you see at that moment? Describe everything you saw in detail."

"Don't, don't let me be afraid. I'm so afraid. That thing will eat me. It will kill me. It's as easy as eating the mayor."

"Don't be afraid, no one here will hurt you, but you have to tell the truth. Only by telling the truth can we guarantee your safety and prevent you from being threatened by monsters."

Chu Xiaojie followed what she was afraid of, and slowly comforted her, calming down her emotions.

After a long time.

The woman gradually calmed down a little.

She is still under hypnosis.

"The monster protruded a long, long tentacle from the mouth of the well, like an octopus-like tentacles, with suction cups on it, but I've never seen such a big octopus foot, it's not an octopus, it's a monster. "

As the woman spoke, she began to cry again.

(End of this chapter)

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