Chapter 929
Jing Ge thought about it, and still sent the noodles with a chopstick to Bai Yeling's mouth. Naturally, Bai Yeling would not refuse the food she brought, so he opened his mouth to eat it, and after eating, he sucked her with the tip of his tongue chopsticks.

It was just a mouthful of noodles, but he tasted a bit of color when he ate it, and it even made Jing Ge's ears blush.

"Why are you so easily shy?" Bai Yeling pinched her cheek and asked.

"Who said I'm shy? I have thick skin." Jing Ge said suddenly.

After finishing speaking, she wanted to pull out her tongue. What do you mean I have a thick skin?What did she just say?
It really is--

"Eat, finish eating quickly, and rest early after eating."

"Oh." Jing Ge puffed her cheeks, and soon began to plunge into the suction surface...

Knowing that the monster that caused the mischief was a sea creature, as soon as the day came, Jing Ge immediately took a group of people to the seaside to investigate the situation.

After walking for most of the morning, I found nothing, but picked up a bunch of lobsters, scallops, crabs, etc., seafood that can be cooked and eaten.

Jing Ge asked someone to bring a big bucket over, picked up several big buckets full and went back, preparing to have a seafood dinner at night.

"I want to go out to see the sea." Jing Ge stood by the sea, looking at the sea in the distance, and said to Bai Yeling beside him: "From the current evidence, the monster must be quite big. If there are no clues, it is better to sail directly to the deep sea, maybe you can find something.”

Bai Yeling knew how dangerous it would be to do that, but he also knew that this was the best way for now.

He took Jing Ge's hand and said: "Let me sail to see, you stay on the shore."

"No." Jing Ge refused without thinking.

Don't even think about letting him take the risk alone and stay on the shore by himself, she will never do it.

"That place is too dangerous, I don't trust you to go there." Bai Yeling said.

He put his hand on Ge'er's face, and looked at Ge'er tenderly.

"That's not okay, either I go by myself or you accompany me, I can only choose one of the two." Jing Ge always becomes strong when faced with such a choice.

Bai Yeling sighed and said: "Okay, I choose to go with you, but you have to listen to me later, when I say retreat, you must retreat immediately, and you must not stay for even a second longer."

Jing Ge looked at Bai Yeling, saw the seriousness in his eyes, and the firmness that could not be rejected.

He nodded and said, "Okay then, I'll listen to you."

There are ready-made boats by the sea. After negotiating with the boatman, Jing Ge gave the boatman a piece of silver and asked her to take them out to sea.

Apart from her and Bai Yeling, there were also Zhang Yue and Chu Xiaojie who had already followed on board the boat.

You Ji Mie and Bai Yeling have been confronting each other since they met, and neither of them wants to talk to each other——

Jing Ge knew why they were having a conflict, and there was no way to reconcile the emotions of the two of them, so in the end he had no choice but to give up and let them continue to stare.

"The weather is not very good this time. We will come back after going out for a while. We can't go too far."

When boarding the boat, the boatman and Jing Ge explained clearly what they were paying attention to today.

Jing Ge looked at the sky and the wind at sea level, and nodded clearly.

The boatman has been on the boat for many years, and he must know more than them.

"In this case, let's set sail as soon as possible, so as not to be late." Zhang Yue said.

(End of this chapter)

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