Chapter 930
After the boat sailed out, Jing Ge realized that the sea level was rippling with many boats.

She frowned for me.

What they thought was, could it be that the fact that the monster would emerge from the water hadn't reached their ears?
Why do you have to come out to take risks under such circumstances, knowing that the sea is very dangerous?

"Old boatman, why are there so many people going to sea at this time? Didn't it mean that the missing people are all because they are close to the water source? Then the sea should be the most dangerous place."

The old boatman smiled, and while paddling the oars, he said: "The sea seems calm, but it can take a person's life away at any time, but there are still many people going to sea every day? Do you know why?"

Jing Ge did not answer.

The old boatman continued: "It's not for living. Only when we go to sea, catch seafood and sell it can we make money and survive. If we don't go to sea and catch fish, we can't live. We have been fishermen for generations. I can make a living by fishing."

When Jing Ge heard this, his heart became a little heavy.

The old boatman is right, in order to live, one can only take risks.

Unknowingly, the boat swam to a very far place, and the people on the shore could no longer be seen from here.

The old boatman said: "It's almost here. There is not enough time. Just take a look here. When the time comes, we have to go back."

Jing Ge glanced around, and found that most of the ships had only arrived at this place, and they didn't plan to go any further.

She looked at the sea ahead curiously, and asked the old boatman, "Have you ever been to the place ahead?"

The old boatman shook his head, as if he didn't want to talk about the sea ahead.

Jing Ge noticed this and became more curious about the area ahead.

"Is there anything special about the sea in front? Why don't you all want to go there?"

Facing Jing Ge's continuous questioning, the old boatman finally opened up the topic, he said: "It's an unknown place, it's a cursed place, as long as anyone gets close to that sea area, they won't be able to return directly, even if they come back. It won’t be long before they will get seriously ill or talk nonsense, some will die of illness, some will go crazy, and as time goes by, everyone knows that the sea area is a place they don’t want, and they dare not approach it any more.”

"So no one has been close to him since then?" Jing Ge kept looking into the eyes of the old boatman, watching every subtle change in his expression.

When the old boatman nodded and said yes, Jing Ge mercilessly exposed the old boatman's lies, she said: "You are lying, there must be people who have been there, right? Are those people not coming back?"

The old boatman was unwilling to talk about this matter, but in the end he nodded under Jing Ge's persuasion.

The old boatman sighed heavily and said: "We are all boatmen who go out to sea to fish. If we can't make it through, this is the only place left to fish, but the number of fish is limited after all.

Some people will face the plight of starvation if they cannot catch fish, especially those who have wives, children and old people at home, so they can only stand up and take risks.There are also some who are bewitched. In this sea area, there are often groups of big fish swimming past this place, luring fishermen into dangerous areas.

However, since more and more people were swallowed up by this piece of sea, many people became afraid. Gradually, the number of fishermen decreased. They all went ashore, started to learn business, and learned some other ways.

(End of this chapter)

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