Chapter 932

There are even some people who are sick and have no money to treat them.

I can only lie at home and boil.

Minor ailments can turn into serious illnesses, and those who can't get over it will die, and those who are lucky enough to get over it can live for a few more years.

This is not the only case.

When Zhang Yue mentioned it, he was filled with righteous indignation.

Because most of these people fell into today's poor situation because of the mayor Xu Gui'an's inaction.

If Xu Gui'an hadn't been buried in the monster's stomach, Jing Ge even suspected that Zhang Yue would have rushed to the mayor's mansion, pulled the man out and beat him up.

Judging from this matter, the monster has done a good thing for the people of Baiyan Town——

It's just that it has killed too many evils, and it is destined to be noticed by the Dao of Heaven.

Even if they can't kill it now, it will be destroyed by heaven.

However, it was impossible for Jing Ge to wait for the Dao of Heaven to take action, because in that case, many families would be destroyed, and many innocent people would die.

Since she came here, she was bound to settle this matter.

"It's okay, it will definitely be resolved." Bai Yeling pinched her ear and said.

"Did you say that thing really has human nature, so it knows how to go through the water source and reach the land to hunt for food?" Jing Ge lay down on the table, and knocked off Bai Yeling's hand holding her ear tip.

This man has always liked to touch her recently, and she is almost used to it.

This is not a good thing.

Bai Yeling was not annoyed when he was beaten, he tapped the table lightly, and said: "It should be conscious, the creatures in the sea are actually the same as the creatures on the mainland, they are all evolving, but the ones on the land Biology evolves faster."

"Then we can only wait? We can't go into the sea to catch it." Jing Ge lay on the table, thinking sullenly.

Although her little Qinglong can go into the water, but the little Qinglong is still young, and the seal of his strength can never be lifted, it is too risky for him to go into the water.

So she never mentioned it.

"The monster hasn't eaten for three days. It won't last long. It will definitely appear within three days. We just need to wait patiently. When the time comes, we will strike immediately. When it is hungry and comes out to look for food, put It's packed."

"Well, at present, it seems that this is the only way to go." But she still felt uneasy in her heart, worried that there would be some big changes.

This matter can't be solved for a day, and she can't be happy for a day.

Bai Yeling put his time on her head, gently stroked the hair on top of her head, and said softly: "Don't worry, I'm here."

He leaned over, kissed Jing Ge on the forehead, and said: "It's getting late, go to bed early, and you have to wake up early tomorrow."

Listening to his gentle voice, Jing Ge's eyelids gradually became heavier.

After a hmm.

Just fell asleep like that.

"Ge'er?" After realizing that Ge'er was really asleep, Bai Yeling shook his head helplessly, reached out to hug Ge'er, and strode towards the bed.

He put Ge'er on the bed, covered the quilt, and just wanted to leave.

A small hand suddenly grabbed his hand.

"do not go."

Bai Yeling was ecstatic in his heart, but when he looked over, he saw a pair of tightly closed eyes.

Sleepy and confused, talking in sleep.

It's really - it's too cute.

Bai Yeling smiled with his lips curled up, his smile was doting and charming, the tenderness in his eyes seemed to drown him in it...

(End of this chapter)

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