First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 933 Little Fairy, You Won't Let Me Go

Chapter 933 Little Fairy, You Won't Let Me Go

Bai Yeling picked up her hand, put it on his lips and kissed her fingers, and said: "Little fairy, you won't let me go."

After he finished speaking, he took off his coat and shoes and went to bed, hugged his sweetheart in his arms contentedly, sniffed the fragrance in his arms, and fell asleep.

After a good night's sleep, in the early morning, when the white belly appeared in the sky, the two of them were awakened by a loud noise.

"It's not good, someone is missing again."

The faint voice made Jing Ge suddenly open his eyes.

It happened to meet Bai Yeling's deep pupils, she didn't even have time to think about what happened. Did Bai Yeling sleep on her bed last night?
He turned over and got out of bed, put on his shoes, changed into his clothes and went out.

When the two came to the door, Zhang Yue happened to run over with someone.

"what happened?"

Zhang Yue looked solemn, and said: "Seven or eight people who went to sea this morning were killed."

"Seven or eight? Are they approaching that piece of water?" Jing Ge thought of what the captain said to her yesterday, and his complexion sank.

"According to witnesses who came back, yes."

"Where are those people? Bring them to see me." Jing Ge quickly calmed down, she thought for a while, and then said, "Forget it, are those people still at the beach now? I'll go directly."


The sound of the rolling waves was mixed with the mournful cries of the crowd.

The family members of those missing people came to the scene, crying and wailing toward the sea that swallowed their important people.

However, no matter how sad and weeping, those people may not come back.

Jing Ge stood on the shore and asked Zhang Yue, "Where are the witnesses?"

Zhang Yue pointed to a person nearby, "Over there."

Following the direction of Zhang Yue's finger, Jing Ge saw that person, a tall and thin middle-aged man with a very dark complexion, his cheeks were almost sunken, and there was not much flesh left.

"Tell me everything you saw this morning, everything."

The man looked up at her with tears in his eyes.

He said: "When I saw the school of fish in the morning, I felt that something was wrong. I kept trying to persuade them to come back, but no one listened to me. They seemed to be crazy. They kept going forward. No matter how they called, they couldn't call return."

The man was talking, as if thinking of something, tears fell down again.

Jing Ge winked at Zhang Yue, signaling him to hand over a handkerchief to wipe his tears.

Zhang Yue scratched his head and said, "Princess, I'm a big bastard, how could I carry things like towels and handkerchiefs with me? When I sweat, I just rub it with my clothes."

Upon hearing this, Jing Ge gave him a disgusted look.

"Men don't wear such things, the princess is really not my sloppy."

Bai Yeling, who always wears a small towel: "..." Men don't?Um?

Zhang Yue seemed to feel a sharp gaze, swallowed nervously and said: "Princess, there is nothing wrong here, I will go over there and see if there is anything that needs help."

After he finished speaking, he ran away.

After he left, Bai Yeling suddenly leaned into Jingge's ear and whispered, "The towel on my body is for you."

"Ah?" Jing Ge didn't understand at first.

Until Bai Yeling repeated it again.

Only then did she understand what he meant.

He brought the small towel just for her, so that when she needed it, he could explain it and take it out to wipe her sweat and mouth?

(End of this chapter)

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