First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 934 You Can Do Anything You Want

Chapter 934 You Can Do Anything You Want
It seems to be true.

Bai Yeling has been by her side for so long, Jing Ge has never seen him use a small towel by himself.

Unlike Zhang Yue, who sweats a lot and wipes it with the hem of his clothes, Bai Yeling's body temperature is well regulated, and he hardly sweats, so he never smells like sweat. .

Always dry and cool.

There is a pleasant smell of sandalwood on her body, and it also has a hypnotic effect. Every time she is with him, Jing Ge will sleep very well.

Even dreams are beautiful.

"Li Chen, count the exact number of missing people. After a while, you and Li Gui will send 100 taels of silver to the families of the missing people."

100 taels of silver is nothing to Jing Ge, but to ordinary people, it has been enough to live frugally for several years.

Li Chen and Li Gui immediately set off to work.

You Ji Mie in the crowd walked back and came to Jing Ge's side, ignoring Bai Yeling who was beside Ge'er.

He said: "Ge'er, let me go to the sea area to have a look, maybe I will find something new."

Jing Ge resolutely said: "No, before I don't know what's going on there, none of you are allowed to go there without permission."

She knew why these two people wanted to go to the sea area so eagerly, they just wanted to help solve the case as soon as possible.

But this is not what she needs, no matter what she can't do, she can't let these two people take risks to go to the restricted area. When she thinks that they will disappear from her eyes like those missing people, she feels so uncomfortable that her heart will stop Like beating.

After Jing Ge finished speaking, she was very angry and walked away.

These two people are elm-brained, so they knew they wanted to help her, but have you ever thought about how she would face her in the future if any of them were injured by this incident, or worse, lost their lives? to myself?

How can I forgive myself?

The more she thinks like this, the more Jing Ge gets angry.

Even Bai Yeling was also affected.

Bai Yeling caught up and wanted to touch her hand, but she coldly shook it off.

"Don't touch me." Jing Ge said coldly.

"Ge'er, don't be angry, okay, I promise you, until you promise, I will never go over easily." Bai Yeling ignored Ge'er still angry, and hugged Ge'er tightly.

He hugged her waist tightly, rested his chin on her shoulder, took a deep breath, and murmured, "You can do whatever you want, and I will do whatever you want, but there is only one thing I can't do. Don't leave me and don't ignore me."

Jing Ge raised his eyelids arrogantly, glared at him, and then said: "This is obviously two things."

Bai Yeling said helplessly: "Okay, let's treat it as two things, but you have to promise me."

"Let me think about it. It depends on your next performance. If you perform well, I can naturally agree to you, but if you do not perform well, then...huh."

Some things don't need to be said very clearly, and each other knows what they want to express.

Bai Yeling pinched her cheek helplessly, and said: "Okay, I will definitely behave well, thank you for giving me such a chance."

Jing Ge was still a little angry, so she didn't let Bai Yeling follow behind, and continued to understand the situation by herself.

After she leaves.

Bai Yeling's eyes darkened.

He glanced at the sea, and frost appeared in his eyes.

Then he walked to a sparsely populated place nearby and summoned a few demons to come out.

(End of this chapter)

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