First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 936 I'll Go There With You

Chapter 936 I'll Go Over With You

Bai Yeling nodded.

"I'll go there with you." Jing Ge said.

"it is good."

The two came to the beach, boarded a sea boat, and approached the sea area.

When they were about 200 meters away, You Ji Mie saw their leaving backs, and quickly found a boat to follow.

"Who did you let go?" Jing Ge's heart was beating uncomfortably.

"Except for two, they are all people you know." Bai Yeling began to feel a little regretful, regretting letting those people go
Since this monster on the bottom of the sea can follow the water source to the land to find lonely humans and serve as food, it must be very powerful.

He shouldn't have put Moliji in danger.


When they approached the sea, they saw a huge monster that could stand up to a height of [-] meters, and a single tentacle was as thick as a house.

Such a behemoth loomed ahead, making their ships seem especially puny.

When they were still far away from the big monster, they saw this monster like a hill.

Jing Ge said anxiously: "Quickly sense, can you still feel their breath of life?"

This monster is too huge, even if she joins forces with Bai Yeling, she may not dare to say that she can defeat this thing, let alone Mo Li and others.

She was worried that the worst would come out for herself.

My heart began to feel uneasy.

She even began to suspect that the number of missing people was actually more than 500 people. Such a huge monster would not be able to eat enough for one person at a time. The only possibility was that the number of missing people was far higher than the number reported by the mayor.

Thinking of this, Jing Ge's hatred for the mayor deepened.

It's really hateful that such a serious matter happened, and he dared to hide information from the higher-ups.

She felt a little pity now, that Xu Gui'an died too early, otherwise he would have to go around without food.

"Roar!" There was another thunderous beast roar.

Jing Ge's scalp tingled when he heard it.

The sea boat was getting closer to the monster, and Jing Ge kept thinking about how to get rid of the monster.

This thing is too huge. How many people can this thing eat if it can live to such a large size?

"Abandon the ship, this thing is too slow." Bai Yeling said, pulled Jing Ge up and jumped up, stepping on the void and approaching the monster.

The speed under his feet is fast.

Jing Ge watched the figure of the monster become clear little by little, the monster looked very scary.

It is said to be an octopus, but it is not quite like an octopus. It has octopus tentacles on its body, and even its shape is very similar to an octopus, but there are some terrible water chestnuts growing all over its body, which looks densely packed. Jing Ge has a density phobia. My heart straightened.

Bai Yeling noticed the change in her expression, couldn't help hugging her tightly, and said, "What's wrong?"

Jing Ge shook his head and said, "I'm fine, let's continue."

"En." Bai Yeling responded, and summoned the nine-winged dragon.

The Nine-Winged Demon Dragon looked at the monster in front of it, and clicked his tongue: "Xiao Yeye, how did you come across this thing?" It seemed that he knew what was in front of him.

"This thing is called a big chapter monster. It is generally large in size and eats a lot of things. But the old man is strange that the big chapter monster usually doesn't eat humans. How could it eat so many people this time? Could it be a mutation? ? Or was someone deliberately feeding it humans?"

The nine-winged dragon said quietly: "This big chapter monster lives on fish in the deep sea, and generally won't eat people, unless..."

(End of this chapter)

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