First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 937 The Ability of Telepathy

Chapter 937 The Ability of Telepathy

"It was deliberately fed with corpses or living people, which caused it to go crazy and began to eat humans continuously."

Jing Ge frowned after hearing what the Nine-winged Demon Dragon said. She looked at the Nine-winged Demon Dragon and asked, "What will happen after the Dazhang monster eats humans?"

"Humans are a great tonic for Dazhang monsters. Eating one is equivalent to gaining ten years of cultivation for nothing. This will make them addicted. After they are not fed, they will struggle out by themselves and find food by themselves."

"What do the people who feed this monster think? Aren't they afraid that this monster will bite them back?" Jing Ge said angrily.

"It's also possible that this big chapter monster seems to have no owner. There are only two reasons for this result. First, its owner was eaten by it. Second, the big chapter monster's appetite is getting bigger and bigger. , the person who fed it found that he could not control it, and finally discarded it.

After being discarded, the big octopus will become more unscrupulous without the contractual constraints of the host. "

"Are you sure?" Bai Yeling asked the Nine Winged Demon Dragon.

This big chapter monster is too big. For thousands of years, it has eaten too many humans, making its strength grow wildly.

If it is not handled properly, this thing will explode directly, and when it explodes, a large amount of energy contained in its body will overflow.

At that time, it is very likely that Baiyan Town will be directly blown up.

This was not what Ge er wanted to see.

Although such a sacrifice was understandable to Bai Yeling, he didn't want Ge'er to be unhappy.

Since Ge'er wants to protect this place, he will do his best to realize Ge'er's wish.

Jing Ge didn't know what Bai Yeling was thinking, and was still thinking about how to deal with this thing.

"The strength of this thing is still higher than you and me. The only way is to detonate it, but not here. It must be lured to a deeper sea area to avoid affecting innocent humans on the shore." Nine Winged Demon Dragon said.

Between the contract master and the contracted spirit beast, there is the ability of telepathy.

The more compatible the two are, the more obvious this ability is. For example, there are many things that Bai Yeling doesn't need to say, and the Nine Winged Demon Dragon can know what he is thinking.

"Ah." A scream caught their attention.

Jing Ge looked over and found that the scream was from You Yan.

Youzhen was floating in the sea, and there was only less than five meters away from his monster.

He raised his eyes and saw the dense water chestnuts on the monster's body, and couldn't help but scream.

It's so disgusting.

At this moment, the eyeballs on Dazhang Monster's body turned and saw You Juan's position, and a tentacle rushed towards You Juan quickly.

You Chan yelled quickly, and flew away quickly.

But the speed of the big chapter monster was obviously faster, and seeing that he was about to catch Youzhen, Bai Yeling said, "Go."

Then the nine-winged dragon flew over quickly, its body touched the water surface lightly, the dragon's claws grabbed Youzhen, managed to avoid the tentacles of the big chapter monster, and flew back to the boat.

After they fly away.

The surface of the water where Youzhen was staying was smashed down by a tentacle of the Dazhang monster, causing countless splashes.

The turbulent waves shook their boats.

The three people standing on the boat began to shake unsteadily.

Jing Ge and You Can's bodies were shaken at the same time, and Bai Yeling's eyes were quick, and he quickly hugged Ge'er, stepped on the void and left the boat.

And You Yan, who was innocently abandoned, staggered and fell to the deck following the tilting hull.

Then a big tentacle slammed down towards the hull.

(End of this chapter)

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