First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 938 Huge Appetite

Chapter 938 Huge Appetite

At the last moment, the nine-winged dragon quickly grabbed You Chan and flew into the air.

When they left, the sea boat below them was broken by the tentacles.

The flying fragments brushed against Jing Ge's cheek, leaving a faint bloodstain on it.

Jing Ge didn't pay attention to the slight stinging pain, she didn't even frown, she stared at the big chapter monster in front of her, and a tentacle slammed towards them again.

Bai Yeling hugged her, stepping on the void to dodge, Dazhang blamed one tentacle for not being able to do it, plus the number, when three tentacles fell down at the same time, it seemed to cover the sky.

I saw that a huge black shadow descended from the sky, and the sun above the head was completely covered.

"A few handfuls of these things are too big." Zhang Yue's voice came from a distance behind him.

Jing Ge turned back and saw not only Zhang Yue, but also You Ji Mie, Chu Xiaojie, Zhang Yue, Li Chen and Li Gui brothers.

The one who cursed was Zhang Yue who was sitting at the front of the bow deck.

"Don't come close." Jing Ge suddenly twitched his eyebrows, glanced at Da Zhang's movements, and shouted at Zhang Yue's boat.

Before Zhang Yue and the others had time to react, a huge tentacle landed from above their heads...

"Wo Cao, don't tell me that at such a long distance, those few things can hit us?" It is obvious that the tentacle of the chapter monster is that long.

The few people had no time to row a boat to escape, so they had to dive into the water and leave the boat to avoid being hit on the head by the tentacles of the big chapter monster.

"Roar! Back!" The Dazhang monster couldn't hit anyone, and became angry from embarrassment, and began to attack Jing Ge and Bai Yeling who were relatively close.

It opened one-third of its eyes, 360 degrees, and looked at Jing Ge and Bai Yeling's fleeing direction in all directions without blind spots, as if watching two ants fleeing.

Their bodies are too small for the big chapter monsters, not enough to hold their teeth.

But the human body is too delicious for it, especially for a powerful human being, it feels so good.

The Dazhang monster seemed to sense the sweet taste of the blood that flowed from Jing Ge's cheek, and began to hit the tentacles, smashing towards Jing Ge's position.

Bai Yeling hugged Ge'er and kept dodging in the air.

Dazhang monster's tentacles are not only big but also very flexible, and there are also many tentacles. After hundreds of rounds, Bai Yeling also felt strenuous.

The movements of the big chapter monster's tentacles are getting faster and faster, as if they don't know how tired they are.

Jing Ge quickly noticed that the reason why this big chapter monster is so powerful is that it can be used by exchanging tentacles back and forth.

This is too foul--

"This thing is so big, we have to walk to beat it?" Zhang Yue hugged a piece of driftwood, floating miserably on the surface of the sea with the waves.

Until the Nine-Winged Demon Dragon came over, he gave him the tip of its tail like a reward, and let him fly into the air with his arms.

"Where's Mo Li and the others?" Bai Yeling asked with a glance at You Chan who was sitting on the dragon's back.

You Yan wrung out the water from his clothes, and said, "They are on the other side, hiding behind the rocks, and this monster won't find them for a while."

"Although we won't find out, it's not a long-term solution. We still need to solve this matter quickly." Jing Ge said.

This thing is too big, and that huge appetite can definitely eat them all.

Their positions are better, but the positions of the five Mo Li are not so good. If they are discovered, there will be no place to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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