First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 942 Ge'er Holds Hands With Someone Else

Chapter 942 Ge'er Holds Hands With Someone Else
"Thank you princess, the princess's life-saving grace is unforgettable."

The family members of the old man knelt down, followed by everyone in Baiyan Township.

"Thank you princess, the princess is blessed and safe."

Jing Ge stood up, looked around the crowd, and said: "This time, because of the appearance of this monster, everyone suffered a great disaster, not only lost their loved ones, but also put their lives in trouble, but don't worry, the king has always I have not forgotten you, the king not only arranged for the princess to come here to solve the problem in person, but also let the princess bring a lot of pensions.

So don't worry that you will not be able to survive in the future. As long as the king is still in power for a day, you are all his subjects, and the king will never forget you. "

After Jing Ge finished speaking, he announced on the spot that Zhang Yue and the others would start arranging for the payment of pensions later to ensure that every household would receive the pension. In serious cases, more payments should be made.

Then she left the sea.

The matter of Baiyan Town is almost coming to an end here.

What she did at the end and what she said well publicized the kindness and love of the new king.

Let Lin Lansheng become an existence admired by all people.

Further consolidated Lin Lansheng's status as king.

After Jing Ge finished handling the matter, he handed over the work of completing the formalities to Zhang Yue and others, and went back to Fengyue City to catch up with the time.

She has been out for so long, my brother must be angry.

Therefore, when Baiyan Town no longer needed her, she returned to Fengyue City with Bai Yeling without hesitation.

Not long after they left, the story of Baiyan Town spread quickly, letting more and more people know that the current king is kind and loving for the people, and for the sake of the people, His Royal Highness the Princess personally came forward to deal with the big monster.

For a while, the reputation of Princess Yunge and King Lin Lansheng began to be well-known throughout the country.

The timing of Jing Ge's return to the Lin Mansion was very coincidental.

As soon as she came back, she was bumped into by the housekeeper Lin Youcai who was in a hurry.

When Lin Youcai saw her, tears welled up in his eyes, and after expressing how much he missed Jing Ge, he quickly said: "Sister Xiaoxia, let's go and see the master, the master suddenly disappeared for some reason last night. Started to have a high fever."

Hearing this, Jing Ge frowned, let go of Bai Yeling's hand, and quickly walked to Mr. Lin's room.

Bai Yeling followed closely behind.

After the two left, Lin Youcai, who was following behind, thought suspiciously.

Did he just see the picture of the little lady holding hands with the owner of Qianniao Pavilion?
Are these two people already in that capacity?

But now is not the time to pursue this matter, the most important thing now is to make the master recover quickly.

So the butler quickly kept this matter to himself.

Followed to Mr. Lin's room.

After pushing the door and entering.

Just as Mr. Lin was clutching his chest, he coughed violently.

He opened a pair of cloudy eyes, saw Jing Ge walking in quickly from the door, stretched out his hand to Ge'er excitedly, and said, "Ge'er, are you back?"

Jing Ge quickly knelt down in front of Mr. Lin's bed, held Mr. Lin's hand, and said, "Grandpa, Ge'er is back, do you feel uncomfortable?"

"Cough cough cough..." Mr. Lin coughed again.

He covered his heart and said, "Grandpa is fine, so don't worry about Geer."

It's just that he said not to worry, but just after he finished speaking, he coughed again, this time he even coughed up blood——

(End of this chapter)

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