First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 943 Don't Get Excited

Chapter 943 Don't Get Excited

"Grandpa, don't get excited, I'll check it out for you." Jing Ge worried that Mr. Lin was too excited and would cough up blood again, so he hurriedly asked Lin Butler to come up and help Mr. Lin to lie down.

The old man was weak and lay down.

Holding Ge'er's hand, he asked, "Has everything over in Dongcheng been resolved? Didn't you encounter any major trouble?"

"Grandpa, Ge'er has taken care of everything about Dongcheng. Don't worry about Grandpa. Finding a good health for Grandpa is the most important thing now." Jing Ge said.

"Cough cough cough... Grandpa is old and useless, so he often gets sick."

Singer Jing rested on Old Man Lin's wrist, feeling the beating of the old man's weak pulse, his brows furrowed.

"Grandpa, don't worry, it's just a small problem. Ge'er will disclose the medicine to grandpa soon. Grandpa will take the medicine well and he will be fine in a while." She took her hand out of old man Lin's palm and patted the back of old man Lin's hand lightly. said with a smile.

The warm smile made Mr. Lin feel much better.

Jing Ge coaxed him for a while, and after Mr. Lin fell asleep, she winked at Butler Lin, motioning to speak.

Butler Lin quickly followed out.

The three went to the yard.

It was already the beginning of spring at this time, the snow was no longer falling in the yard, and the ends of the branches of the peach trees in the peach blossom forest began to turn green.

"Miss, but is there something wrong with Master's condition?" Lin Butler looked at Jing Ge worriedly, fearing that he would hear any bad news from her.

"Grandpa recently ate something useful, but what's the difference?" When Jing Ge spoke, his expression became very serious.

"Hiss, well, the food that the master eats recently is similar to the past, that is, Miss Shangguan often makes some lotus seed soup for the master, and Mrs. Shangguan also often makes some soups that the master used to love. .”

The Mrs. Shangguan mentioned by Lin Steward is Jing Ge's aunt Lin Shuru, and she is Shangguan Yao's grandmother.

"When did you start giving it?" Jing Ge's face turned completely cold.

Seeing this, Steward Lin knew what happened no matter how stupid he was, he looked at Jing Ge anxiously and asked, "Miss, could it be that Master's condition is due to..."

Jing Ge said: "It's probably close to ten, but I'm not completely sure, you keep it, and if they still send food to grandpa in the future, you can keep it secretly, but don't let them find out first."

Dare to take advantage of her not at home to attack Grandpa, these two women must have had the guts of a bear.

Their Shangguan family has already fallen, and it is clear at a glance what they want when they take action against Grandpa.

Jing Ge was so angry that he stretched out a hand beside her, quietly grasped her small palm, and gently scratched the position of her palm with his fingertips, Jing Ge's anger was instantly extinguished.

Seeing their holding hands again, Steward Lin widened his eyes in surprise, and said, "You guys, this is..."

"Our relationship is just like what you saw." Bai Yeling raised the hand intertwined with Jing Ge's ten fingers, voluntarily acknowledging the relationship between the two.

Jing Ge stomped on him quietly, and then said to Steward Lin who looked stunned: "Grandpa Lin, you should know about this matter, don't tell grandpa and little uncle first, I'm afraid they will worry about it." .”

Jing Ge's worry is not unreasonable, if those two people know, this matter will definitely be covered.

(End of this chapter)

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