Chapter 953
Jing Ge wanted to teach her a lesson, but when she turned her head and saw the scene of her fainting, she cast a disdainful sideways glance.

She waved to the ghost soldier next to her, and said: "I will make these two people disappear completely at this time." She said and threw a bottle of corpse water to the ghost soldier.

Briefly talk about the role of corpse water.

After Guisha Bing heard that this thing was actually the legendary corpse water, he was so frightened that the bottle almost fell from his fingers.

Jing Ge glanced at the man in disgust, and said, "Go."


After the ghost soldiers left.

Bai Yeling fell from the eaves and stood beside Jing Ge.

"Have you calmed down?" Bai Yeling asked.

Jing Ge was expressionless: "It's just cleaned up two mice." She never took Shangguan Yao seriously, if they hadn't touched her bottom line, Jing Ge wouldn't suddenly strike cruelly.

Grandpa has always attached great importance to family affection, otherwise it would be impossible for the two of them to show off their power in the Lin Mansion all the time.

Only this time, these two stupid women killed themselves.

Bai Yeling looked down at her, and saw her long eyelashes trembling slightly from a condescending angle.

"What are you doing?"

Jing Ge suddenly turned her head and asked, Bai Yeling came back to her senses, it turned out that he had touched her eyelashes with his fingers without knowing it.

The long, slender eyelashes with a little natural curl are brushed on the fingertips, and the itching feels very comfortable.

Under the long eyelashes, there is a pair of beautiful and charming phoenix eyes, and there are all kinds of amorous feelings in every frown and smile.

The two stood under the eaves, their eyes met, and they didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

"Wow, woof, woof." A white figure dashed out from the yard, with Jing Di carried on Dabai's back.

One person and one dog quickly rushed between the two of them.

interrupted the charming atmosphere.

Bai Yeling frowned, his face darkened, and he looked at the two idiots who were entwined around Jing Ge's feet, constantly acting coquettish and cute.

"Sister, I like my sister." Jing Di hugged Jing Ge's leg tightly and didn't let go, she insisted on hugging her.

Dabai also rubbed against Jing Ge's calf with his body, barking endlessly.

Bai Yeling clenched his fists, when will these two little bastards leave Ge'er?

Jing Ge didn't notice Bai Yeling's emotion, she squatted down, kissed Jing Di's little cheek, then picked Jing Di up, raised her head to meet Bai Yeling's gaze.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Don't you want to hug Xiaodi too?" Jing Ge said, about to let Xiaodi go.

Xiao Di rolled his eyes to look at Bai Yeling, snorted in disgust, and then tightly grabbed Jing Ge's lapel with his small hands, leaving Bai Yeling a chubby little butt.

Bai Yeling: "..." After losing to a dog, he has another terrible rival in love.

The reason why it is scary is because these rivals in love can only sulk secretly, but cannot confront them head-on, or even say a harsh word...

Thinking of him as a majestic demon, it is rare to be so wronged in a relationship.

But who made him like such a heartthrob, no matter how unhappy he can only endure silently.

Bai Yeling followed Ge'er and walked into the courtyard.

After a stick of incense.

A ghost soldier entered the palace and reported to Lin Lansheng what had happened in the Lin Mansion.

When Lin Lansheng heard that Lin Shuru had poisoned Mr. Lin, he was so angry that he crushed a chair.

He stood up abruptly, grabbed Gui Shabing and asked, "What about now? How is my father doing now?"

(End of this chapter)

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