First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 954 Little Love Rival

Chapter 954 Little Love Rival

Guisha Bing swallowed, thinking how could the boss become more irritable after becoming a king?
"After Princess Yunge came back, the master's health is already improving. My lord, Princess Yunge's medical skills are really amazing. As soon as she came back, she knew that it was Lin Shuru that bitch who poisoned her. I found it, and I will teach you a lesson..."

When Gui Shabing talked about Jing Ge, his eyes were full of admiration.

Princess Yunge is really too powerful, she acts swiftly and resolutely.

Don't give the bitch a life at all.

If it were someone else, it might take time to find the so-called evidence.

But Princess Yunge didn't care about the so-called evidence at all. In this matter, the evidence was not important at all. The important thing was that Lin Shuru touched Princess Yunge's bottom line.

"So those two people were dealt with by the princess?" Lin Lansheng felt much better after hearing that Mr. Lin was fine.

After hearing how Ge'er dealt with those two people, she sat back again: "This matter is kept from the old man, Ge'er can let her do whatever she wants."


"What are you doing?" Jing Ge looked at Bai Yeling, who was only staring at her, and asked in confusion.

"I'm looking at you." Bai Yeling said with a smile.

"Won't you get tired of watching this every day?" Jing Ge smiled, curling the corners of her lips.

"Not tired, my greatest hope is that I can watch you all day long, never letting go of a moment."

Jing Ge glanced at him sideways, said: "It's getting late, it's time to go to bed, shouldn't you also..." and went out.

Bai Yeling went to bed first, lay down and covered himself with the quilt, and said, "Yeah, it's time to sleep again." Those two little bastards finally stopped pestering Ge'er.

Only at night, Ge'er completely belonged to him.

Naturally, Bai Yeling would not let go of such rare and precious time.

Jing Ge glanced at him speechlessly, and said: "You have a home yourself, don't you plan to go back?" The person who really loves Qianniao Pavilion has such a seductive and stupid master.

Bai Yeling seemed to understand what was going on in her heart, and he lifted a corner of the quilt with a smile and said, "Ge'er, come on, it's time to sleep."

Jing Ge: "..." Isn't it just sleeping under the quilt and just chatting?Why did it come out of his mouth with such a lustful feeling?

There is always the illusion that something indescribable is going to happen next.

Seeing her blushing, Bai Yeling smiled even more proudly, propping his head with one hand, showing off his slender and straight figure leisurely, like a young lady waiting for a benefactor to come to her.

Jing Ge's face turned even redder by the thought that popped up in his mind.

Just when she was about to walk over and go to bed.

Suddenly there was a sound of claws scratching the door.

Immediately afterwards, a soft and sticky child's voice sounded: "Sister, sister, hug, woo woo, I want my sister to hug." It was Jing Di's voice.

Hearing Jing Di's voice, Jing Ge walked out the door, signaling Bai Yeling to hide quickly while walking.

He is now staying in her room without being noticed.

It was so late, Xiao Di definitely didn't come here alone, maybe the maid or nanny would follow behind her.

If they saw that Bai Yeling was not only in her room, but also lying on her bed, Grandpa might be so angry that he would jump off the bed directly.

The little uncle will come out of the palace overnight——

(End of this chapter)

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