First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 969 Zhongzhou Continent

Chapter 969 Zhongzhou Continent
"Grandpa, these are pills that can strengthen the body. You should save them and take them slowly in the future. Be sure to take care of your health. Ge'er will definitely come back soon."

Jing Ge faced Mr. Lin, knelt down suddenly, kowtowed three times, stood up, and left the room without looking back.

After she leaves.

Both Mr. Lin and Butler Lin had red eyes.

More than half a month later.

Zhongzhou Continent.

"Brother Yuecheng, isn't that Meng Feifei who has always been at odds with you? Where is he going?" Liu Bao folded his arms and looked at a tall figure walking by not far away.

After a year of transformation, Meng Feifei has lost the childishness of a teenager at this time, and looks a lot more mature and stable, and his height has also increased from 1.7 meters to 1.8 meters.

The body shape is also a lot bigger, and the muscle lines on the body are clearer than a year ago.

The facial features have also become deeper and more handsome.

Ye Yuecheng followed Liu Bao's gaze and saw Meng Feifei's back.

Ever since the two entered Tianlan College together a year ago, Meng Feifei and Yeyuecheng have become bitter rivals. Fortunately, the two are not in the same branch, otherwise they would definitely fight every day.

After Ye Yuecheng entered the pharmacist branch, he quickly became acquainted with the students of the same level. This person is good at disguising, pretending to be pitiful to win sympathy, and at the same time selling favors, so he is very popular among the students of the same level. high.

And Meng Feifei has always been aloof, except for his master Jing Ge, it is rare for others to smile on his face.

In addition to this period of time, his figure has changed from a sunny boy to a mature, stable, cool and handsome man, and many people are even more afraid to approach him.

Apart from some daring female students showing love, Meng Feifei hardly had much contact with other academies.

Almost all of his time was spent on cultivation and study, so during this year, Meng Feifei's strength has improved rapidly, which can almost be described as leaping forward.

In the previous two months' upgrade assessment test, Meng Feifei got the No.1 result with a super high score.

The total score is 2 points higher than No.[-].

The total score is only three hundred points.

The result of No.1 has received a lot of praise, but also the jealous eyes of many people.

This includes Ye Yuecheng, during this year, Ye Yuecheng often said bad things about Meng Feifei to the people around him, so he managed to make many people turn against him and hate Meng Feifei as much as he did.

Even deliberately isolated Meng Feifei.

But Meng Feifei didn't pay attention to these things at all, he came here with only one purpose: to become stronger, to become stronger as soon as possible, to go back earlier, return to Master, and cook for Master.

That's it.

"That's the back mountain, what does that guy want to do?" Liu Bao looked around, but he didn't see anyone else, so he suggested to Ye Yuecheng in a low voice: "Why don't we go and have a look? Follow up and see there What exactly is the guy going to do? There is no one in the back mountain at this time, so that kid might be doing something that violates the school rules.

If he is caught by us, he will look good tomorrow. "

Under the influence of Ye Yuecheng, Liu Bao didn't like Meng Feifei. Last month, Liu Bao had a crush on a woman for a long time. He confessed his love to Meng Feifei, and Meng Feifei didn't refuse yet.

This made Liu Bao very upset.

The woman he likes but can't get is nothing in Meng Feifei's eyes?

Who is Meng Feifei?

How dare he let down the woman he likes like this.

(End of this chapter)

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