Chapter 970
Because of this matter, Liu Bao was full of hatred for Meng Feifei, and every day he wanted to find a way to punish Meng Feifei.

However, Meng Feifei's life is so monotonous that it makes people feel boring. Except for the necessary eating and sleeping, Meng Feifei spends all his time on study and cultivation, and it is impossible for people to grasp it.

Now, a ready-made opportunity is finally presented to Liu Bao, Meng Feifei actually wants to go to the back mountain alone, this must be a breakthrough point.

So he couldn't wait to catch up——

Ye Yuecheng and Liu Bao have similar thoughts, the common purpose of these two people is to make Meng Feifei feel bad.

So the two hit it off and followed Meng Feifei.

"Has he left?" Liu Bao sneakily revealed his head from behind.

Ye Yuecheng jumped down from the tree and said, "I've already gone down the mountain, let's act."

"What do you think will be in the cave?" Liu Bao and Ye Yuecheng walked into the cave where Meng Feifei stayed, and said as they walked.

"Go in and take a look. Meng Feifei stayed inside for at least a stick of incense just now. He must have hidden something inside. As long as we find what he hid, we can catch him." Ye Ye Yue Cheng smiled triumphantly.

"You're right, as long as you find out what's wrong with him, I'm afraid you won't be able to cure that kid. Hmph, I want him to know that I, Liu Bao, are not easy to bully."

"He didn't bully you, did he? It's just that he didn't like the woman you like." Yeyue said.

"This is enough for me to kill him, but he treats the woman I like. What does this mean? Does it mean that I have bad eyesight?" Liu Bao said indignantly.

Ye Yuecheng thought of the woman Liu Bao liked, and thought, your vision is really bad, that woman is not even half as good as his junior sister Lu Xiaoxiao.

Only people like Liu Bao can fall in love with her.

Meng Feifei doesn't even look down on the most beautiful woman in the academy, let alone that woman.

"Let's go, it's getting late, let's go in early to have a look, and go down the mountain before dark." Ye Yuecheng changed the subject.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp." A pleasant voice came from the depths of the cave.

Ye Yuecheng and Liu Bao walked halfway and stopped when they heard the sound. They looked at each other and walked in quickly in the direction of the source of the sound.

What came into view was a group of weak little yellow ducks.

The little yellow duck is less than the size of a palm, and basically has injuries on its body. One of its wings is broken in half, one of its feet is missing half, and one is directly missing half of its mouth...

"What's the situation? A group of half-dead ducks? Meng Feifei couldn't have raised these ducks secretly on the mountain, right?" Liu Bao showed a very disgusted expression. He walked over and kicked one of them with a crooked neck. little yellow duck.

Ye Yuecheng also squatted down, grabbed a little yellow duck roughly, pulled half of the duck's broken wing, and said: "These wild ducks with very common knowledge should be hatched from the eggs of wild ducks, but Why are you all injured?"

He threw the duck with the broken wing on the ground, and grabbed the other duck with a very brutal movement, and looked at it again and again.

"It's just a bunch of broken ducks, what the hell is Meng Feifei doing?" Liu Bao followed suit and stayed behind.

Ye Yuecheng suddenly put one of the ducks under his nose, sniffed it, and his face changed slightly: "This duck has the breath of Meng Feifei's unique technique..."

"Ah?" Liu Bao looked at him puzzled.

Ye Yuecheng suddenly laughed: "I see."

(End of this chapter)

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