First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 979 You're afraid you don't want to live anymore

Chapter 979 You're afraid you don't want to live anymore
"Meng Feifei, calm down, this is not a place where you can make trouble." The alchemist student next to him said.

He was also worried that Meng Feifei would really make a big fuss regardless of the occasion.

Although their pharmacist students are very precious, Meng Feifei is a rare and top-grade Leilinggen. The dean has always cherished such a talent.

And these few of them are not considered to be the best alchemist students, when something goes wrong, who will the dean protect, you can figure out with your toes.

Meng Feifei was fast, rushed up with a stride, pinched Ye Yuecheng's neck, and pressed him against the wall, "Ye Yuecheng, I wanted to let you go, but you repeatedly provoked me!" I, this time I actually took action against my things, I'm afraid you don't want to live."

Meng Feifei kept tightening his five fingers, Ye Yuecheng's neck became red, and his face was also very red.

He patted Meng Feifei's fingers, trying to break free from Meng Feifei's fingers.

"Let... let go of me." Ye Yuecheng desperately wanted to break Meng Feifei's fingers, but Meng Feifei's fingers were like cast iron, no matter how hard he tried, they would not move at all, and there was no way to break them apart.

"Help, save me." At this moment, Ye Yuecheng felt a chill in his head, he really felt the strong murderous intent from Meng Feifei's movements and eyes.

If no one came to stop him, Meng Feifei would probably kill him.

Ye Yuecheng cast his help-seeking eyes on Liu Bao and others, and wanted these people to come up quickly to stop Meng Feifei's behavior. If they didn't come up to stop Meng Feifei, Ye Yuecheng would probably die in Meng Feifei's tonight hands.

How could Ye Yuecheng be willing to die so easily, he kept struggling, trying to keep pinching Meng Feifei's hand with his fingernails.

Until the skin was broken and blood flowed out.

Smelling the breath of blood, Liu Bao and the rest of the alchemist students suddenly came to their senses, rushed up together, surrounded Meng Feifei, and tried every means to rescue Ye Yuecheng from Meng Feifei's claws.

After Meng Feifei let go, he lowered his head to look at the bloodshot eyes on the back of his hand, but only glanced lightly, without much expression change.

"Cough cough cough..." Ye Yuecheng held his neck and coughed desperately, he raised his head and glanced at Meng Feifei.

Angrily said: "Didn't I just kill some of your wild ducks, and you actually want to kill me? Meng Feifei, I will definitely sue you, just wait, wait for the dean to fire you!"

Ye Yuecheng's voice was loud, and he spoke loudly. In the end, he didn't know who made the move first, and the room suddenly became a mess.

A group of people wrestled together, Meng Feifei was very fast and moved very neatly, and before they could react, he had already beaten everyone severely.

In the end, everyone stood in front with bruises and swollen faces, and Meng Feifei stood in front of this group of people calmly, almost unscathed except for the blood streaks on the back of his hand that Ye Yuecheng used his nails to draw.

Ye Yuecheng was beaten the worst, her whole body was covered in blood, her head was smashed, and the blood left along her forehead, her eyes were blurred, and she couldn't even see clearly.

"Dean, that's right inside, there's a kid from the Immortal Cultivation Branch, bullying a group of Alchemist students here at the Alchemist Branch..."

There was a loud noise outside the door.

Then came the voice of the dean of Tianlan College.

"The kid from the cultivation branch? Do you know who it is?" This was the voice of a young man with a trace of elegance.

(End of this chapter)

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