Chapter 980 Plan
"It's Meng Feifei, No. 1 in the promotion assessment last time." Said the man next to the dean Gong Xu.

"Meng Feifei? But that genius boy with top grade Lei Lingen?" Gong Xu's eyes flashed a little interest, and he walked quickly to the closed room in front.

The pharmacist student who spoke earlier rushed over quickly and opened the door.

After opening the door, I saw blood all over the place, and the people in my own branch were all beaten with bruised noses and faces, lying on the ground, while Meng Feifei, who came to make trouble, was almost unscathed.

The man rushed up quickly, helped up all the students who flew away from him, and then shouted loudly: "You are so brave, you dare to come to our branch to make trouble, and even injured all the students in our branch, this time Even the dean was alarmed, let's see how you end up!"

The visitors were also from Ye Yuecheng's faction. Under the influence of Ye Yuecheng, they didn't like Meng Feifei, and even felt that Meng Feifei was too popular, which seriously affected their interests.

There are always some people who are jealous of other people's talents and talents.

Everyone in this room is no exception.

Including Li Chengen who brought the dean here.

Li Chengen yelled very loudly on purpose. When he pushed all the crimes on Meng Feifei, he also mentioned the dean by the way. What he said was to make the dean unable to cover up Meng Feifei.

He knew that with Meng Feifei's talent, the dean would definitely not be willing to punish him severely, that's why he preemptively opened his mouth and blamed Meng Feifei.

With so many witnesses, Meng Feifei came to their branch to make trouble and hurt so many people, even the dean himself could not speak out to cover up Meng Feifei.

With these thoughts in mind, Li Chengen and Ye Yuecheng looked at each other quietly.

A little further in time, Ye Yuecheng came down from the mountain, and after returning to the branch, he found Li Chengen.

Li Chengen's resentment towards Meng Feifei was stronger than Liu Bao's. After finding Li Chengen, he said that he had a way to make Meng Feifei unlucky, but he needed his cooperation, and he gave Li Chengen a handsome reward.

Seeing this, Li Chengen accepted the reward and joined Ye Yuecheng's plan.

In Ye Yuecheng's plan, he deliberately left the jade pendant in the cave, the purpose is to let Meng Feifei see and find out that they did it.

Only in this way, Meng Feifei will quickly come to trouble them, and he can also take the opportunity to arrange a game in advance.

A bureau that can pull Meng Feifei down, and even drive him out of Tianlan Academy.

Ye Yuecheng's plan was very cautious, and he didn't tell many people, even Liu Bao didn't know about his plan, he just thought they bumped into Meng Feifei accidentally, and saw the secret of Meng Feifei's raising in the back mountain .

Then he killed the duck that Meng Feifei raised, and then just waited for Meng Feifei to come to the door.

It's time to implement the next plan.

He didn't know that this matter was planned by Ye Yuecheng from the beginning to the end. He thought he was also a part of the plan, but he didn't know that he was actually just a pawn in Ye Yuecheng's plan.

"Meng Feifei, is everything Li Chengen said true?" Gong Xu asked.

After all, he still cherishes talents, and he also believes that Meng Feifei is not such an unreasonable and reckless person.

Meng Feifei is an immortal cultivator who is very focused on cultivation, and like him, he has a lightning-type spiritual root, and is also a rare top-grade lightning root, so Gong Xu usually pays more attention to Meng Feifei.

He probably knew what kind of person he was, so after listening to Li Chengen's words, he didn't question Meng Feifei directly.

(End of this chapter)

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