Chapter 325

At this moment, the teacher waved his hand with a smile and said, "Okay, all the students welcome our new classmate very warmly. Chi Yunxi is so tall, so he might have to sit a little further back. Is your eyesight okay?"

"I can see it from the last row." Chi Yunxi said.

Boys are taller, and most of the people behind are boys. How could the head teacher have the nerve to let her sit at the back?

Anyway, she was taken care of by the Gu family.

And he is still a scold.

The teacher smiled and said: "I see, you and your sister Chi Liuli should sit together and let your sister take you to familiarize yourself with the school."

Chi Liuli suddenly felt that a scumbag was coming to her side.

She looked away reluctantly, but the whole class looked at her with envious eyes.

Everyone wants to sit with a big beauty.

And there are so many handsome guys around her.

Knowing the master and Gu Mingchen, and being able to shoot the MV with Zhou Junyang, is simply a harvester of handsome guys.

Under everyone's envious eyes, Chi Liuli felt that she was suffering and couldn't express it.

Can only endure.

Seeing Chi Liuli's ugly expression as if swallowing shit, Chi Yunxi was immediately happy.

She smiled and said, "Okay, I'm sitting with Sister Liuli."

Chi Yunxi walked down after saying that. Those two long legs, wearing jeans, looked long and straight. Walking all the way, both boys and girls couldn't help but let out a cry.

Chi Yunxi came to the vacant seat next to Chi Liuli and sat down.

Chi Liuli almost fainted from the anger.

She whispered, "I don't want to sit with you at all."

Chi Yunxi smiled and whispered, "But I want to sit with you."

"You..." Chi Liuli was so angry that she didn't talk to her.

Chi Yunxi was happy to see her angry.

She pulled it so mad.

"Okay, students, let's start class then, Chiyunxi, you and your sister will watch together first."

"Okay." Chi Yunxi nodded, then turned to look at Chi Liuli.

Chi Liuli rolled her eyes and threw the textbook to her, so she didn't mind reading with her.

Chi Yunxi bluntly took the textbook and opened it.

The teacher began to lecture.

Chi Liuli saw Chi Yunxi flipping through the book page by page, as if he was only looking at the pictures, and he flipped through it very quickly.

She couldn't help whispering contemptuously, "Do you understand?"

"I should know a little better than you." Chi Yunxi replied in a low voice.

Chi Liuli rolled her eyes and said in a low voice: "I tell you, this class is the best class in the whole grade. There will be a monthly exam every month. The next monthly exam will be in two weeks. Don't take the whole class. First, lose my face."

"Your face?" Chi Yunxi turned his head to look at it funny, and asked, "You deserve it too."

"Chiyunxi!" Chi Liuli suddenly slapped the table angrily and stood up.

The teacher and the whole class were terrified.

Chi Liuli stood there awkwardly.

Chi Yunxi didn't speak, but looked at her innocently.

The teacher asked, "What's going on?"

Chi Liuli was so ashamed that she sat down silently without saying anything.

In one class, Chi Yunxi read Chi Liuli's entire Chinese textbook, and she took a lot of class notes, which were very detailed.

Chi Yunxi could see it clearly.

When get out of class was over, she put the textbook back on Chi Liuli's desk.

Chi Liuli watched her turn over a lesson, and muttered: "The makeup looks pretty good."

Chi Yunxi didn't bother to pay attention to her, she was not as careful as she was.

"Come on, if I get the first place in the class, you won't be able to keep your No. 1." Chi Yunxi said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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